really miffed it

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white eagle

Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2023
Reaction score
Yesterday went out turkey hunting with my favorite turkey slayer my Browning BPS 10 ga.
I settled in and waited 15-20 mins. for it to settle in and started calling, bit here and bit there. Third set I hear a gobble and about 15 mins. later I see some black shapes moving in the woods bordering my field. Sure as sheet there was not 1 but 3 tom's headed my way, well after a arduous 100 yard walk they got in shooting range ,or so I thought, and I lit one up and missed well another was walking away and close enough so I fired again but low and behind. So I missed. Funny thing is they did not run away but walked away and not in a big hurry either. I never blew my cover till about 15 or so min's. after the fact
so they didn't know where I was.
Do you think I could hunt the same spot after a 2-3 day cool off?
BTW I did have two decoys out as well might be why they walked away?
Yesterday went out turkey hunting with my favorite turkey slayer my Browning BPS 10 ga.
I settled in and waited 15-20 mins. for it to settle in and started calling, bit here and bit there. Third set I hear a gobble and about 15 mins. later I see some black shapes moving in the woods bordering my field. Sure as sheet there was not 1 but 3 tom's headed my way, well after a arduous 100 yard walk they got in shooting range ,or so I thought, and I lit one up and missed well another was walking away and close enough so I fired again but low and behind. So I missed. Funny thing is they did not run away but walked away and not in a big hurry either. I never blew my cover till about 15 or so min's. after the fact
so they didn't know where I was.
Do you think I could hunt the same spot after a 2-3 day cool off?
BTW I did have two decoys out as well might be why they walked away?
Well it sounds like you had some excitement regardless of success.......I find thats turkey hunting in general.
Yes, you can absolutely hunt the exact same spot, even later the same day - as long as there are diff birds moving thru or in the area to hear & respond to calls & decoys.
I have to ask.....ya missed TWICE, at standing Turkeys - with a 10ga??? Did ya have your eyes open or closed when ya shot?
I'm just funnin a lil bit with ya there. Good luck with your season, keep us posted how it goes...... perhaps getting an 8ga might help LOL
This may be a bad comparison, because though I’ve killed a few, I’m not a turkey hunter per se. I’ve been completely busted by a buck on a morning hunt and killed him on the evening hunt. Since it doesn’t sound like you were busted, I don’t see why you couldn’t hunt that area again.
funny thing is I have killed turkeys stone cold dead at 62 yards with that very same shotgun
It must have been an eye closed situation
I must have over shot the first time and the second like I say was low and behind
I was totally shocked when they turned and walked away :elmer:
oh well better luck next time as they say
Yesterday went out turkey hunting with my favorite turkey slayer my Browning BPS 10 ga.
I settled in and waited 15-20 mins. for it to settle in and started calling, bit here and bit there. Third set I hear a gobble and about 15 mins. later I see some black shapes moving in the woods bordering my field. Sure as sheet there was not 1 but 3 tom's headed my way, well after a arduous 100 yard walk they got in shooting range ,or so I thought, and I lit one up and missed well another was walking away and close enough so I fired again but low and behind. So I missed. Funny thing is they did not run away but walked away and not in a big hurry either. I never blew my cover till about 15 or so min's. after the fact
so they didn't know where I was.
Do you think I could hunt the same spot after a 2-3 day cool off?
BTW I did have two decoys out as well might be why they walked away?
I would hunt the same area but move my ground stand location.
I've been turkey hunting for a lot of years, starting about 1990. In all those years, I missed many a shot for one reason or another. You may or may not see those particular birds again but if you're in a good spot there should be others.
turns out after ranging with a laser range finder those turkeys were in excess of 60 yards when I fired at them it no wonder I wiffed on that one