Goose Hunt with Grandsons

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May 19, 2005
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IMG_4245.jpg Well, my second youngest grandson won a 2 day Goose Hunt in Maryland last year at an SCI Banquet. So, last weekend my son and I took the 4 Grandsons to Easton Maryland to a town of Oxford where the Outfitter leases a farm. My son and I did not hunt but were in the blind with the boys to make sure they did everything right and there were no safety issues. Even though it rained most of the morning last Friday the kids limited out with two geese each. The guide that was with us also harvested two geese himself. On Saturday morning it was very foggy and the geese did not cooperate in the morning. However, the boys well, three of them did manage to harvest 3 more. The rest of the day was uneventful as it was a sunny bluebird day and the geese were not flying.

In case you are wondering, I'm the old guy with the beard. GRIN
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Sounds like a Great hunt to me Ed! :yeah: Congrads to the boys and Kudos to you and your son for getting them out there. :applause:
Making memories.

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Looks like a LOT of fun to me Ed! :yeah: Great job getting the kids out there!
It was a lot of fun hunting with them. They are the ones who I bought the 451 Whites for. I need to save up to buy one more preferably a 451 M97 for the grandson on the far left. This year he used my M98 while I used the Renegade. Due to weather and time schedule we all either didn’t see any deer or just could not get out to hunt. Hopefully we’ll be able to get out during our late ML season that ends on the 26th.
Hey Ed, how do you cook your goose...geese? :D I tried some goose meat several years ago when a family friend gave me two birds. I'm sure I did it wrong, like cookin a turkey, it was tough, dark meat. I don't hunt birds anymore.
Don't know as of yet. At one time I cooked them in a crockpot, with brown gravy, vegetables etc and it was fantastic. I hope to cook some this weekend as the kids are waiting to eat them. I got to get out some of my hunting recipes to see what sounds good. I know a friend of mine once cooked one and said he'd rather eat his sneakers. :eek: I'll take some pictures and post them and let you all know how they tasted. I know my wife would like them out of the freezer. LOL
the only ones I ever ate my uncle brought to a family Thanksgiving get together and I also would of rather a pair of sneakers, they smelled and tasted horrible.
Hey Ed, how do you cook your goose...geese? :D I tried some goose meat several years ago when a family friend gave me two birds. I'm sure I did it wrong, like cookin a turkey, it was tough, dark meat. I don't hunt birds anymore.

Well, we cooked two of the Geese tonight/ Well I should say my wife did. She found this recipe and basted the geese with a mixture of Brandy and Rasberry Jelly every 15 minutes or so. I forgot to take a picture of them but I have to say they weren't too bad. My daughters wouldn't eat them, but all of the grandkids did as well as my son and son-in-law. They all said it was good, a little tough and they felt it tasted more like beef. I'd eat them again, but next time I may put them in a crockpot.
Pretty awesome Ed! Great memories! We have been cooking our geese on the grill lately and everyone LOVES it that way. I breast the bird out, and butterfly the breast meat so it is fairly thin. Then do a marinade for a while, get the grill SUPER hot, and toss em on just long enough to sear both sides but not cook the meat all the way through. Serve them right away with your sides and MmmmMM! the meat tends to continue to cook so you are not eating raw meat of course, but it ends up just about medium when you cut into it. Juicy, and tender that way, and like you mentioned, taste more like beef than bird. When we shoot Specks in AR, we do it this way and the boys out there call them ribeye in the sky, they are awesome!! Baking the bird or cooked almost any other way, I would rather have sneakers myself.....LOL
Fantastic,love seeing family hunting together,memories for a life time.Best goose recipe,use a crook pot Lipton onion soup mix and creme of mushroom soup about 12 hours on low ,we just eat the breast.