Leaving Stands up on Public Land - Conflict? New Maryland regs.

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Dec 15, 2021
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Hi all - Maryland is proposing to allow leaving tree stands up on public land for the duration of the hunting season. I know that VA and PA allow this, but it makes me nervous because I fear that hunters will be territorial about where their stands are and forget that "public" means no spot is "your" spot... People with experience with this, how common is a clash of hunters over tree stand locations?
If your stand is worth stealing someone will make claim to it
I'm not worried about theft, I am worried about people feeling a sense of ownership for a particular tree on public land on a particular day...and then you mix in weapons. I actually wish Hunter's Ed did a better job on this point...the course spends some time on how to speak to landowners or civillians but it does not talk about how to interact with other hunters in public ground. I just want thing to be totally clear that having your stand there does not make it "your" tree, and if you get there and someone else is there, it is YOU who move on, not you who makes a scene!
I kinda look at it like this. If I was hunting public and came across somebody else’s set up I would stay clear and move on. I myself would not leave any type of stand on public just for that reason of somebody in it. Thank god I haven’t hunted public in over 30 years. Only time I venture on public is to walk the beagles and shed hunt. Plus the way I was raised. If it’s not yours leave it alone.
Can't leave them over-night on public land in Minnesota. If on public land and you leave for lunch and someone comes along and decides to hunt from it there's nothing you can do.
I have seen treestands on state land many times over the years.
Rarely have I seen the owner using it.
I used to note the location and vehicles to try to match up a stand to the owner.
After a while, I wouldn't worry about someone showing up and put up my own stand in the vicinity if I so chose to do so.
I swear that some guys put up dummy stands. They never intended to use but hope to keep others away from their spot.
I never climb up someone else's stand but I also don't pay much attention if one is there.
I have seen treestands on state land many times over the years.
Rarely have I seen the owner using it.
I used to note the location and vehicles to try to match up a stand to the owner.
After a while, I wouldn't worry about someone showing up and put up my own stand in the vicinity if I so chose to do so.
I swear that some guys put up dummy stands. They never intended to use but hope to keep others away from their spot.
I never climb up someone else's stand but I also don't pay much attention if one is there.
In Michigan we've always been able to leave them up. But they have to have name, address, on them. And the regs state that anyone else can use them if they get there before you.

Using another's stand without express (and preferably written) permission is Criminal Conversion in Indiana.
In the south
Hi all - Maryland is proposing to allow leaving tree stands up on public land for the duration of the hunting season. I know that VA and PA allow this, but it makes me nervous because I fear that hunters will be territorial about where their stands are and forget that "public" means no spot is "your" spot... People with experience with this, how common is a clash of hunters over tree stand locations?
[email protected]
In the south if you leave a tree stand in the woods it's considered abandoned. Anyone can have it.
Years ago, when this place had a lot of snow it also had a late bow season. I only hunted with a bow, and at the end of rifle season I would place tree stands at lower elevations. I preferred to hunt on foot, but if we got heavy snow and then a couple of freeze thaw cycles every step would make a loud crunch.
When conditions were like this, I headed for the pre-placed stands. More than once I found them hanging by the chain and padlock I used. The clamp would be released. When I placed the stands, I used clamp on steps and took them with me, To get to the stand one would have to climb the tree, or carry a ladder in for at least a mile over fairly rough ground. There are some really determined butt heads around.
On public ground, Iowa allows you to hang your stand 7 days before the season your hunting, then take it down 7 days after that season ends. Theoretically, late September til early January if you hunt all the deer seasons.

I've never had a problem, but I usually only hunt public land during bow season and rarely see anyone else during this time.
I kinda look at it like this. If I was hunting public and came across somebody else’s set up I would stay clear and move on.
In Utah, I have encountered hunters who would actually look for your blaze orange and then set up overlooking you. This was their "scouting" technique.
One of the many reasons I switched to MZ.