Copper Bullets in TC Renegade

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I was shot in the side as a kid with a .22 cal . I dead centered a rib and stopped on the lining of my left lung. Doctors figured it would do more damage to remove it so it was left in. Every year I am supposed to be exrayed to check for movement. That was 46 years ago AND NO LEAD POISONING!!!!!!! Only thing is it usually causes a stir going through security before flying.
Look here now! The end result or lack there of can not be called into question! It’s the intent that matters. Therefore, if the intent is to save the noble Condor, and as a side benefit reduce participation in shooting sports, that’s all that matters!
I saw a show on the california condors once yrs ago, Many if not all of em have tracking devices on em (at least then). when they die, the carcass is recovered & examined... the one on the show had several "dimes" in its craw/digestive tract... People throw dimes/coins off some overlook on the grand canyon for luck. Seems the condors will swallow "shiny" things. These necropsies are how they found dead ones from eating lead.. Looks like some shooter out there would make an adjustable bullet sizer for the larger caliber bullets,, thats how the smokeless ml shooter get superb accuracy,, i don't see why it wouldn't work on any barrel bullet caliber,,,, "if available" I know you can get them for 45 cal from at least 2 vendors/builders.