First muzzleloader deer...

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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
Today is Ohio's gun season opener. In the morning I heard shots all around me, but I did not see anything. Got bored and took an early lunch. I decided to try a section of the wildlife area I've never been to. Within a half hour, I see two does running 150yds away on a ridge. I sit tight, hoping that they;ll come my way. They did. I was set up on a creek edge when they come running on the opposite side. They slow down, and turn to cross the creek directly in front of me. I let the lead doe have it. The bullet entered the left side of the chest and exited out the right ham. She'll be good eating. :D
Not only good eating, but it looks like a lot of it. Congrats! Was that with a new breechplug in the Encore, or the old one?
It was with the new breechplug. She is definetely the biggest doe I've ever shot. Don't know exactly how big. My guesstimate is +150ish in weight.
First kill


If you are going to shoot big does you need to get a bigger sled. You put a great deal of range time getting your rifle ready and you earned your first kill.

Congratulations :D :D


I guess all those trips to the range paid off! :shock: :D

Congrats! Thanks for the story, makes me itch to get back in the woods!
Congratulations on taking one beautiful doe.. that is a real hog you got there. Looks like you know what your rifle likes and what the deer do not. Again, congratulations on your trophy.
You go, girl!
Nice shot, nice doe and nice story (pretty gun, too!) :)