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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2016
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I got fed up with this crap winter weather that seems to keep popping up in life around these parts and spent a day in the shop making some floats for when I can get back out to fish without blowing into the next county.


These are the only floats I use to fish crappies with as they are the only float that will instantly let you know when you have an upward hit, and crappies are notorious for upward hits. The stems have a small hole near the end to run your line thru to use as a slip float. The two silicone bands on the stem are used for fixing the float as a static float the still allows for instant depth adjustment. At rest in the water without any weight on the floats they lay flat. With as little as a 1/64 jig they sit straight up and will support a jig of just over 1/16 ounce, perfect for crappies and panfish. When a fish hits from underneath these floats instantly lay over flat on the water as if weightless. Absolutely love them.
I second you on being sick and tired of the crappy weather. I was supposed to roof a small barn/chicken coop the day the tree planters showed up. I have been scrapping snow off of it each morning, I and am too chicken to climb up on the frosty sheeting.
If I do not get paper and tin on it, I will be re sheeting it.
Nice looking floats! Good deal finding some way to keep yourself entertained.
I started using a Thill Mini-Stealth float about 30 years ago when they were in their infancy here in the states....they're a European/British float by origin. They aren't being made any more. Or at least nobody state-side seems to carry them. I have a very few originals new in packaging but I use lots of these and of course will lose a few. Instead of wishing I hadn't cast to where I chanced, and lost, losing one I decided to laminate balsa wood and shape and make my own. They work as good if not better than the originals and I make enough to get me thru a season, then have something to look forward to in the off season in making more. I make all my jigs and all of the plastic baits I use for my fishing so the floats are just an extension of what I love doing.
I started using a Thill Mini-Stealth float about 30 years ago when they were in their infancy here in the states....they're a European/British float by origin. They aren't being made any more. Or at least nobody state-side seems to carry them. I have a very few originals new in packaging but I use lots of these and of course will lose a few. Instead of wishing I hadn't cast to where I chanced, and lost, losing one I decided to laminate balsa wood and shape and make my own. They work as good if not better than the originals and I make enough to get me thru a season, then have something to look forward to in the off season in making more. I make all my jigs and all of the plastic baits I use for my fishing so the floats are just an extension of what I love doing.
as always your passions are a work of art...Trader
I got fed up with this crap winter weather that seems to keep popping up in life around these parts and spent a day in the shop making some floats for when I can get back out to fish without blowing into the next county.


These are the only floats I use to fish crappies with as they are the only float that will instantly let you know when you have an upward hit, and crappies are notorious for upward hits. The stems have a small hole near the end to run your line thru to use as a slip float. The two silicone bands on the stem are used for fixing the float as a static float the still allows for instant depth adjustment. At rest in the water without any weight on the floats they lay flat. With as little as a 1/64 jig they sit straight up and will support a jig of just over 1/16 ounce, perfect for crappies and panfish. When a fish hits from underneath these floats instantly lay over flat on the water as if weightless. Absolutely love them.
Wow, those are amazing!
Ever try floating a wiggler, spawn or fly for steelhead? They look like they'd be perfect for this as well as crappie

We have cabin property near Two harbors, Minnesota, 10 miles inland from Lake Superior. I fish the breakwater in Two Harbors every day, twice a day and pass over the Syewart River each trip. In the spring the Stewart River has plenty of Steelhead action and I use these same floats to drift a looper bug [specialized jig] dressed up with a couple waxies to fish the steelies.
We have cabin property near Two harbors, Minnesota, 10 miles inland from Lake Superior. I fish the breakwater in Two Harbors every day, twice a day and pass over the Syewart River each trip. In the spring the Stewart River has plenty of Steelhead action and I use these same floats to drift a looper bug [specialized jig] dressed up with a couple waxies to fish the steelies.
Ever consider selling some? Outdoor News maybe?