Ron's in the Hospital

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If they're smart, they'll give up a draft pick to get Mike Glennon from Tampa. He's already started and won several NFL games. He's gooney-looking but he's good.
HA! You take a look at 'yer self lately ol man? :lol!:   Damn ol hugh glass was purdier than you AFTER his 'bar 'ttack.
Going after the quarterback position would be presumptuous of me, like trying out to be a strong forward with the Nuggets.

Before this knee injury, I ran the 40 in 4.27.....days.
It's been a few years, but best was 4.5 in the 40. Fastest on the team! In the 100 not so much.
Gee Ron with the help of that walker you can bring home 2 or three new guns now. Al
Yes, but when was the last time you saw a mountain man in the high country using a dang walker?

I'm getting around better with a cane as I have learned to lock the knee and not permit any bending. If I let it bend, then I start muttering those epithets: "Holy, moly that stings!"

Epithets? Aren't they the ornamental, military shoulder pieces on a uniform?

Wish I could disguise my cuss words. Im always blurting them out at those improper moments. Like right when the wife sneaks into the scene. Al
This is what I mentioned a week or so back about the parts ans pieces letting me down.
Hang tight there Ron and with your attitude you will do just fine.
Thanks, again, gentlemen, for you comments and good humor!

The knee repair is scheduled for Wednesday. They stitch, then staple the tendon to the bone. The staple comes out in about a week. The stitches stay in for about 4 weeks. Physical therapy starts in 4 weeks, but the knee immobilizer stays on for months.
After they finish playing with my knees, the cardiologist can do the catheter angiogram while I am still in the hospital. I will know Monday if the timing of the two procedures can be coordinated. The knee reattachment takes about 6 months to fully heal.

We can call all this an "unanticipated adventure."
Man Ron little did you know they would be using classroom tools to put you back together again. 6 months you mean we gotta wait til September to go shoot again. Now that just aint right. Al
The 6 months is for full healing so that I really can stress the quads. I will be out shooting long before then. I figure that there will be about 6 weeks post surgery and physical therapy for the valve before I can start doing some regular activities. So, by June, I should be shooting, but not running.

well since that leg has to me straight for that long, you can learn how to shoot sitting down and use your toes as a rest. I suggest non flammable socks however :lol:
You are a very creative fellow, Jonathan. I hadn't thought about that!
FrontierGander said:
well since that leg has to me straight for that long, you can learn how to shoot sitting down and use your toes as a rest. I suggest non flammable socks however :lol:
Unless your guns have hastalloy barrels, best put down a good layer of corrosion inhibitor on the bottom of the barrel.  That toe funk could really rust up!