Suggestions for getting an ugly puppy adopted

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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2011
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One of the puppies out of this litter is really homely. How will this one ever get adopted!?

They all are cute except for the one, but he is pretty smart:

Any suggestions are welcome. ;) :) 
Well, fixing the pictures so we can see would be of help. :rabbit:

And, find cute kids to play with the pup and post the video on Facebook.
Are the photos not coming through, Kentucky Colonel?
Nah. Who would call him Bacon? His name is Pork Chop. :D
OH! Goodness! LOL Now I see.

Uh...I will take it. Of course, I will probably eat it later. :pig:
My Father-in-law gave me a small pig to use as my birthday dinner. I went elk hunting in Wyoming and had plenty of meat so the pig was allowed to get a bit too big. He slept on the doormat outside the front door and eventually got big enough for me to ride when I would get a stupid attack now and then. He was very smart, knew his name, and would chase a ball but he wouldn't retrieve.
When I eventually butchered him, he weighed almost 400 lbs.
Those photos were taken at the farm I often stay on when I work in South Africa.
The mamma pig rejected this one, the runt of the litter. The dog had her pups at about the same time and the piglet invited himself into the canine family.
Dang if he didn't climb up on a person's lap and demand petting.
patocazador said:
My Father-in-law gave me a small pig to use as my birthday dinner. I went elk hunting in Wyoming and had plenty of meat so the pig was allowed to get a bit too big. He slept on the doormat outside the front door and eventually got big enough for me to ride when I would get a stupid attack now and then. He was very smart, knew his name, and would chase a ball but he wouldn't retrieve.
When I eventually butchered him, he weighed almost 400 lbs.
You killed and ate a pet?
You never know what will show up at this farm that I mentioned.
A Caracal on the kitchen counter. Where does a Caracal sit in the house? Anyplace it wants!:


Meercats everywhere:

These animals were rescued from an illegal zoo and were kept at the farmhouse until authorities could find a reputable place to house them.
Muley said:
You killed and ate a pet?

Of course he did, Muley. It was marked as 'dinner' when it arrived. Mentally, that is a different thing. 
Farmers do it all the time. The last steer I raised was named 'Critter.' He had a good life right up until 
he went in the freezer. 


Pigs, chickens, cows, llamas... all are fun and entertaining to have around. But, ultimately, they are dinner.

Now, that caracal is serious looking. It looks like something I would have dreamed up in a nightmare. :Hide:
About thirty pounds? Or, bigger?
Read Jon's post again. It sounds like it became a pet.

btw.... Jon isn't a farmer.
Muley said:
You killed and ate a pet?
No I killed and ate a hog.

We kept a castrated calf when the kids were small instead of selling it like the others. The kids named it Sam. Since we always had lots of game meat, we seldom bought beef. We had him butchered and the first time we had some steaks from him, my son asked, "what kind of meat is this?" His mother answered, "that's Sam." After a pause both kids looked up and said, "he sure is good" and then went back to eating their steak. :lol:
Caracals go around 35 lbs and can take down a 150 lb Impala. The family could hold it, but I could only do that if I didn't mind major scars.
RonC said:
Caracals go around 35 lbs and can take down a 150 lb Impala. The family could hold it, but I could only do that if I didn't mind major scars.
Wait. That thing was a pet? OK. I would not eat that. 

This one is safe, Muley! Come on out to supper! :lol: