22 revolver

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Jan 29, 2020
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I accompanied the Mrs. this morning on a ride to Ada, Oklahoma to drop off 2 dogs and 2 cats at the spay and neuter clinic.
While waiting, we went to grab a bite and afterwards, I stopped in a local pawn shop.
There was a cool little 22 black powder revolver for sale in like new condition.
The guy wanted $ 225.00 for it.
I guess it was a good price?
Didn't buy it though. Screenshot_20240209_131957_Chrome.jpgScreenshot_20240209_131957_Chrome.jpg
They only make small batches of them from time to time. It could be a long time before they make another batch if ever. It depends on how popular they are or not.

Of course they don’t exactly have a lot of oomph for penetration or stopping power. They are about equivalent to a .22 short rimfire. You can only load a few grains of black powder to fire the bullets with. Thus muzzle velocity is around 600 fps.

But they are a huge amount of fun though. To actually have a cap and ball revolver that tiny just has to be fun. I did buy one a couple of years ago too. I don’t think they have made another batch for a few years now,
The only pawn shop close to where I live has overpriced plastic guns for the most part. Maybe I don't stop in their often enough.
They have made two different sizes in the Companion.

I think they describe them as a “.22 Long Rifle” sized frame, and a “.22 Magnum” sized frame. Gives you an idea of the size, as compared to their long-time NAA “Mini” offerings.

I’ve got the .22LR size, I bought it out of Cabela’s Bargain Cave about 20 years ago. I talked them down to about $165, and used credit card points, so it was basically “free.” (I virtually always paid off the card monthly. If you don’t, their usurious interest rates guarantee that you don’t get anything for “free!”)

Mine has the 1-1/8” barrel. I really have to concentrate on keeping my fingers from sweeping the muzzle.

Anyway, it’s kind of a fun novelty. One of their actual rimfire models gives a lot of the same novelty, with less cleaning.

I used Q-tips to clean the barrel and cylinder… 🤭
I accompanied the Mrs. this morning on a ride to Ada, Oklahoma to drop off 2 dogs and 2 cats at the spay and neuter clinic.
While waiting, we went to grab a bite and afterwards, I stopped in a local pawn shop.
There was a cool little 22 black powder revolver for sale in like new condition.
The guy wanted $ 225.00 for it.
I guess it was a good price?
Didn't buy it though. View attachment 41451View attachment 41451
Looks cool ,but totally (USELESS) ! Save your pennies for a real gun (a tool worth shooting) /carrying /Ed
I saw one sell for $240 shipped over on the traditional muzzleloader forums classifieds, so yeah the $225 is a pretty good deal.
I have the super companion which is the one built on the 22 magnum frame and it's a hoot to shoot. I use triple 7 and have gotten 1000fps out of it.