Can hogs see any part of IR devices NV hunting.

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If ur gonna be dumb, ya gotta be tough!
Supporting member
Dec 24, 2015
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Reason I ask. I have a hunting buddy that just came back from SC hunt. He’s telling me the hogs were spooked when they turned on the IR. Says it casts a “ shadow”. I found that incredible knowing it’s out of there wavelength spectrum.
But I have seen the “shadow” he’s speaking of upon zooming in . It’s an image of the IR emitter.
Possibly maybe?
I thought initially maybe it was the glow of the NV ocular illuminating his face. Nope. He used the rubber bellowed eye shield.
BTW he was hunting from a blind.

I can’t say one way or the other.
Now with this being said I’ve never hog hunted,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yet. And yup will be with a ML.
Interesting, I have not seen hogs spooked by the IR light yet. Heck they still ignore the low tech red lights still out here. But if you stand off in the distance you can see the dull red glow from a IR light. That was why the military pretty much quit using them on the battlefield. So it is possible that hogs in some locales may have figured it out too. Those beasties are a lot smarter than people may realize.
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