Social Security

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You do know that entitlements are socialist programs?

Take a pick. You can't have it both ways.
SS is not an entitlement in the same vein as welfare other gov programs the bottom feeders need to stay alive.  SS is the money my employer and I both paid in and I now have a right to receive.  It is a program that should never have been created, but since it does exist I'd like to get out the money I put in it.
It's still a government run program just like medicare.

Bernie's other programs are no different.
Yes, unfortunately the gov takes my earnings and has promised to give it back.   It will be much much less than if I had been "allowed" to manage my own money, but there you have what the gov usually does for you.  

Free stuff for everybody.  Yes, ol' Bernie is a socialist leaning toward being a communist.  Pure and simple.  Take from those who have worked for it and give to those who have not.  God help us.
Old Smoke said:
Yes, unfortunately the gov takes my earnings and has promised to give it back.   It will be much much less than if I had been "allowed" to manage my own money, but there you have what the gov usually does for you.  

Free stuff for everybody.  Yes, ol' Bernie is a socialist leaning toward being a communist.  Pure and simple.  Take from those who have worked for it and give to those who have not.  God help us.
I can't believe you think Cruz is a better choice? The only worse choice in a Rep would be Trump.

Kasich is not bad.
Anyone that would oppose the pro-abortion, pro-homo, pro-socialist, anti-freedom, anti-COTUS,anti-American Democrats is good with me.  And, yes, I find Cruz quite acceptable.  Trump is a brilliant man but no where near POTUS material for a great many reasons.  Kasich is a good man, but no leader.
falcon said:
Arguing politics is akin to arguing the virtues of truck stop road whores.  Neither party is any damn good.  
LOL! :lol: Awesome.

I won't vote for Trump. I won't vote for Cruz. I won't vote for Carson 
(Seriously, the man's mind is a bag full of cats! Eek!)

I am considering Kasich, but not settled. 

It is tiresome having to vote against the lesser evil all the time. I am an 
Independent. If the Republicans continue the clown show, IDK what I will 

I will do my best to select the best I can for the country. I trust all of 
you will do the same.

PS. I have a lot of friends who are Republican. I have a lot of friends who 
are Democrats. It is uncomfortable for me to hear them calling each other 
names because they disagree about what is right for the country. I do not 
think it healthy for any of us.
Unfortunately Colonel, since you are an Independent, you only get to express your choice in the last election not in the primary.

I registered as a Democrat because our rural county always used to vote democratic. The sheriff's race was already decided when the general election rolled around. Now the county has a bunch of retirees that vote republican so the situation is reversed. I never switched because I realized that they are all crooks and it didn't matter locally. However, it does matter to me nationally so I vote for the pro-gun candidate if there is one.
patocazador said:
Unfortunately Colonel, since you are an Independent, you only get to express your choice in the last election not in the primary.

I registered as a Democrat because our rural county always used to vote democratic. The sheriff's race was already decided when the general election rolled around. Now the county has a bunch of retirees that vote republican so the situation is reversed. I never switched because I realized that they are all crooks and it didn't matter locally. However, it does matter to me nationally so I vote for the pro-gun candidate if there is one.
You vote for the pro gun candidate if there is one. The NRA did that with Harry Reid. I don't like Harry Reid and I trust him about as far as I can throw the earth. I agree with Falcon and I have already said it, politicians suck and there all in it for themselves. I think its time to start over. Al
Why is it that we always hear SS is going broke....but we never hear about WELFARE PROGRAMS going broke???????? I was FORCED to pay into it for 60 years and I want my return investment! WELFARE folks haven't paid a dime!!