Cheap camo worked well

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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2022
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So while I had a nice camo jump suit years ago, couldn't find it. Wanted to get into the woods this fall on short notice and a shorter budget, spent $35 at Amazon for a pull over mesh pant and jacket set and a separate face mask.

The camo worked well - had turkeys just a few yards away that were blissfully unaware. Unfortunately, no beards so no bird but...

Anyway, what I really like about this cheap stuff is that it is just mesh with some extra fabric for the 3d leaf look. Which means I wear it over regular clothes, which really helps here in Florida where it is in the 70s and 80s for bow and muzzle loading season and not a lot cooler for a majority of general gun season other than the occasional drop down to the low 30s or high 20s... Never mind Spring turkey season in March and April. So dressing appropriately for weather (and bugs!) is easy AND I still get to impersonate a bush. Once I get some mesh gloves (just gotta stop by a local place when they are open) I'll have full camo AND mosquito coverage.... Only real issue seems to be I need a set of stirrups or something to keep the pants down at my ankles - they tend to ride up when sitting, leaving my white socks and/or jeans exposed. Should be a simple 10 minute mod when I think about it (couple cloth strips, some needle and thread, done)

Lots of similar options from various places via Amazon, can recommend for a kids first few tries at hunting, a spare set, a hot weather just-in-case set, a guest set, etc

Ever seen a self watering bush?

Like Fred Bear said:

"The best camouflage pattern is called, "Sit down and be quiet!" Your grandpa hunted deer in a red plaid coat. Think about that for a second."​

My dad hunted very successfully wearing nothing but red except for his sorel boots. And the red was not plaid nor camo pattern...just solid red
That's awesome! It looks just as good as a much more expensive getup.

I have to wear 500 square inches of blaze orange, so I usually don't even bother with camouflage. I wear a mask while duck hunting, to cover my pasty white, milk colored, face, but other than that I usually just wear earth-tone colors.

I never understood why people spend so much money on camo, I would need 20 different patterns just to blend in in different seasons and areas near my house.

I get up close to deer all the time when I'm hiking, with no noise discipline, or camouflage whatsoever.
Or why they need scent control clothing when they've been in the bars until closing the night before. Don't they breathe all day?
I’ve got a buddy that washes his clothes in scent free soap, doesn’t dress in them until he gets to where he’s hunting, and carries an ozonics machine with him to the deer stand, and he gets busted by deer 9 out of 10 hunts. He still hasn’t learned that playing the wind works better than scent free soap and ozonics machines.
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Camo is more of a fashion statement for the hunter than a need for the deer. If camo was really a factor, no one that hunts in states that require hunter orange would ever kill a deer.

Note that while deer were a possibility, main goal was Turkeys... from what I understand, VERY visually oriented...

That's awesome! It looks just as good as a much more expensive getup.

I have to wear 500 square inches of blaze orange, so I usually don't even bother with camouflage. I wear a mask while duck hunting, to cover my pasty white, milk colored, face, but other than that I usually just wear earth-tone colors.

I never understood why people spend so much money on camo, I would need 20 different patterns just to blend in in different seasons and areas near my house.

I get up close to deer all the time when I'm hiking, with no noise discipline, or camouflage whatsoever.

Here in Florida full camo is OK for deer during bow season everywhere but only on private property for muzzle loader and general gun. Fall turkey pretty much overlaps deer season so even if you are only turkey hunting on public land you still gotta wear the orange. Spring turkey doesn't have an orange requirement (no idiots with hi power rifles in the woods shooting at noises)
…but its the only clothes shopping i like to do… btw, none of my camo patterns match, i buy what fits, is warm, and is on sale.

Yeah, the "warm" part though... quite often here in Florida becomes "cool" - ask ninering about how it can go from high 30s at dawn to mid 60s/low 70s with full sun and a need to be mindful of sunburn by noon... which is why I like the "no insulation etc" mesh camo coverall set, lets me dress appropriately without worrying about camo - two of the layers under that jacket in the pic are very vibrant home done tie dyes :)
This is my typical attire, I rarely treestand hunt it just isn't feasible for the country and deer. I rarely have myself in a photo but found this, shot the first guy after stalking into at 17 paces.
I recently bought some gaiters and ordered green. They didn't have any and sent me camo instead. I called up to let them know and the guy basically said you're welcome as everyone uses camo. I said I'm happy to return them for a green pair or a refund. That's how much I love camo!

But I do not criticise others for using it, I've just not had any of my experiences in 20 years of hunting lead me to believe it's necessary.



My dad hunted very successfully wearing nothing but red except for his sorel boots. And the red was not plaid nor camo pattern...just solid red
As a hunter safety instructor for 55 years, I need to reply to this thread. From the statistics that I gather, and as much as I like to feel that us instructors are important to the hunting schemes, it was the requirement of international orange, or what we call hunters orange, that did the most for stopping people from getting killed for mistaken game. Some years ago I was part of a group trying to make anyone hunting birds or what ever during rifle big game season, would be required to wear hunters orange. Can you believe, it didn't pass because people didn't want to have to buy a hunters vest if they were not big-game. It failed at that time and I know of the one fatality in my small community shot for a deer while hunting birds wearing a brown jacket. She was a lady about 35 years of age and the hunter that shot her for deer was never positively identified and possibly never knew. We give a very simple hunters orange vest people take Montana's hunter safety course. Montana law states a minimum of 400 in.² connected, above the waist. I too was able to hunt when all that was required was a red cap. In case you're wondering, red, under dim or cloudy dark conditions doesn't appear as red, but appears more black especially at the worst time of day which are dawn and dusk.
While I understand the resistance to wearing the orange, I also understand the need to wear it. What I don't understand is why people seem to think the laws do not pertain to them. I've seen kids gets dropped off with their bows by the parents, then commence to walk the 1/4 mile to their stand, DURING the firearms deer season, dressed in camo. This was at about 6:15 in the morning. At 7 I walked over to the stand and told them they needed orange to be in the woods legally. They called home for a ride and walked back off the hill. Same thing the next day. I went back over and told them a warden would come explain things if they kept pulling this crap and again they left after calling for a ride. While on the phone this time the old man told them to tell me to F---- off. On the third morning I called the local law enforcement and explained what had and was taking place, from my stand. I arranged to meet a deputy at the residence where I access the stand and he showed up at the same time as a CO. The three of us scaled that mountain I hunt on and from my stand I gave them directions to the stand that they were using. 20 minutes later the kids got an escort off the hill. As I understand it the old man developed some attitude with the officers that did not fare well for him.
I wear to be comfortable considering the elements and to break the outline. I have given up on the idea that camo is the only way to go. I think it much more important to restrict my movement and to be quiet. Camo has become a fashion statement in bars and restraunts. The value is entirely up to the individual who wears it and how he preforms. I learned this like most everything else by trial and error.