In the hospital

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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2011
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This is Angela, Patrick's wife, I am on to let you know, that patrick had emergency surgery today, at 2:00p.m. He called me at work at about 6:30 and told me he was having alot of pain in his right lower side. I thought he may have pulled a muscle, because he was working outside yesterday. I told him to take 2 Tylenol and laydown, if it did not get any better to call me back, and he did 2 hours later, he said he was getting sick to his stomach, and that he wanted to go to the hospital. They ran alot of tests and said it was his appendix. They got him into surgery at 2:00 and it lasted about 1 1/2 hours. When the surgeon came to talk to me he said that he was very lucky, that the appendix had not ruptured before they got it out. They are going to keep him over night for observation, I am sure he would like you to call. The number is (217) 285-2113 room number 202.
Patrick, just picked-up late and am currently out of town for work. Hope all is well & sounds positive with ur hospital release due tomorrow. My prayers are for ur speedy recovery! :D

Thanks so much for the update. I hope Patrick is doing well and a speedy recovery!

If there is any way we can help.. Please! Let us know!

You, Patrick, and family will be in my prayers.

Wishing you well and a speedy recovery. Keep us posted.
Patrick, whew that was close. I'm glad everything turned out OK! Now take it easy, get better and hurry back to the forum.

My prayers are with you and your family.

Patrick Take it easy and hopefully have a good recovery.
This is Angela, I went over to see Patrick agsin this morning. And waited for the doctor, when he got there he changed his dressings the incision line looks very good, but he is having some trouble with pain control, his doctor does not want to send him home today. Until he gets the pain under control, he is worried that if he sends him home too soon that he will just end up back in the hospital with a bigger problem than what we had. Hopefully, he can come home tomorrow, he wants to come home really bad.
Just got off phone with Patrick. My first time to talk to our fine Leader here. :D Had a very nice chat. He's hoping to get released tomorrow. Had alot of pain but Pat said its been about 6 hrs since last pain killer which is a good sign.

Patrick was a little worn out....he just got off the phone with Randy.....just kiddin! :lol: :lol: :lol: He seemed very happy to hear from us here.

:D Our prayers continue for his speedy recovery!!!
Glad to hear you are doing OK Pat. At least it (appendix) was something you could do without! :D You will feel much better when you get home.

Glad your doing better Patrick. Sounds like you had a good Doc who moved quickly to correct trouble. Hope you are up and about before to long. A word of warning dont push it. Healing takes time.
P.s. you will have to cook all your meat now, no more of it raw!
Patrick, take it easy for while and get well soon. Glad to hear you didn't need an ear transplant after talking to Randy! :lol: :wink:
Glad to hear you are doing well. Take care.
I'm back now. I'm still having pain but only when I move around or cough. Thanks for all your well wishes, and thanks to those who called me up and helped me take my mind off of my situation. The hospital staff was great, but I'm glad to be home.

Sounds like you are doing better. Best wishes for a complete and speedy recovery :D
Patrick White said:
I'm back now. I'm still having pain but only when I move around or cough. Thanks for all your well wishes, and thanks to those who called me up and helped me take my mind off of my situation. The hospital staff was great, but I'm glad to be home.

Take it easy for awhile and you should be fine. Glad to see ya back home. :)
Grouse said:
Take it easy for awhile and you should be fine. Glad to see ya back home. :)
I plan on it. Nice as the hospital staff was, I'm not interested in a repeat visit. There was a lady in another room who was crying "help me" all the time. She actually woke me up a few times. :( That and my IV buzzer going off when my antibiotic or the IV drip was going low kept me from sleeping through the night both nights. I did catnap during the day so it helped some. I'm actually at my inlaws house right now. We are house sitting for them since they are out of town.
:D Welcome back Patrick!

My Wife & I are house sittin the M-I-L's house also. She had a mini-stroke last week and still in York Hospital. Things look good for her release early next week. I am thankful for the professional medical care that is available for us when needed. :D

Know whut ur sayin re Hospitals ...nurses etc seem nice but always great to leave.

Hope u have a speedy recovery! :D
There was a lady in another room who was crying "help me" all the time. She actually woke me up a few times. :( That and my IV buzzer going off when my antibiotic or the IV drip was going low kept me from sleeping through the night both nights. [/quote]

Boy that sucks Pat. I know exactly what you mean. :( Hospitals are just not very comforting at all.

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