Opening day of Virginia Spring Turkey Season.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
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Today was opening day of the Virginia Spring turkey season. I didn't go because I am in Richmond Kentucky watching my son play baseball. Was wondering if anyone that is in Virginia went and had any luck. Heck did anyone go turkey hunting anywhere today and have any luck.

Just wondering! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
I went opening day and never heard a peep. This was where my buddy heard one Friday morning getting with the program at 6:15. Was cold and very windy. I did not go today.

With that said, I know of several others who bagged birds and said they heard plenty of gobbling activity.

I will be out again tomorrow.

Here it is day 5 of the Virginia and I still have not been, But I have talked to some of my friends and they went on opening day and heard birds. One friend said he got one Saturday and his cousin got one also.

A friend I work with got a birds today with a 8in. beard, shot with a rifle, not a muzzleloader either ( I am Sick ).
got to get some woods time going some how. :bounce: :bounce:
Gobbling activity is spotted from what I can tell where I'm hunting, an hour east of Richmond. I heard 4 birds gobble a grand total of 7 times yesterday first thing in the morning. My buddy went to those two places this morning and he heard nothing. A friend over on the northern neck says it is crazy. He got one with double beard and his uncle scored also on opening day. His uncle got his second bird Monday. Many toms are with hens I believe.