Question...Small antler shed found...

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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2009
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I found this nibbled shed in my backwoods yesterday about 60 yards from my house.   I'm not much of a shed antler hunter but am curious how old this particular shed might be. 


Any age thoughts from shed hunters out there that see old sheds all the time :?:
I doubt that rodents have had enough time to do that much damage in just 2-3 months. It's likely that it was shed about 15 months ago .... unless you have a ton of squirrels around there.
Otherwise, it doesn't look all that old judging by the pedicle and base color.
waaaay to hard to judge them, especially after they've been sitting under the snow! I found a huge 8 point antler years and years ago, the top was bleached white but the underside still had good natural color. Best antler I've found yet!
Actually, I do have lots a squirrels and chipmunks around my property.  Too many variables I guess :scratch: to age them... unless you are a wildlife biologist. :geek: