TC Hawken killed off

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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2008
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Read on another forum that spoke with someone at TC and confirmed they are killing off the Hawken.

IMO they priced them so high, for a few hundred more you could get a custom hawken built.
It's too bad that has to happen, but at the price they want for them I;m sure they're not selling many anymore. I never understood why they got so expensive in the first place.
That is too bad , always thought of buying one . Now i'll have to make do with a secondhand one.
Yes it is to bad Smith an Wesson along with Remington Marlin an H&R kill them all off a joke indeed
I'm glad I've got an original TC Hawken Cougar from the early '80s! I was NEVER happy when they were bought b S&W. My local dealer says their is an offer on the table from the previous TC company owner as S&W wants to shed that line.