To many stupid people

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Long Range Shooter
Supporting member
Dec 4, 2009
Reaction score
Said it many times, to many stupid people have been breeding.

So here we go folks... Its quite obvious that people or businesses will do ANYTHING for money. Here's an example and this is where the focus should be, not on rather someone paid off a prostitute 10 or 12 years ago.

A new video game is about to be released that has been developed by Revived Games and published by the company Acid. They plan on selling the game for $5 to $10 on the video-game marketplace Steam.

The game is called: Active Shooter. And yes, you guessed it already. It simulates being an active shooter in a school!!!!
It allows the players to be either the active shooter, or a member of the SWAT team going in.

Now, all those folks that are hell bent on convincing each other repeatedly that some prostitute makes things bad, how about focusing your efforts on stopping B$ like these video games and the companies that dream this up. :wall:

This came from an Associated Press article, written by Andrew Pollack, which was in our local newspaper this morning, 5/29/18.
I saw this too. Nothing but money and ignorance. It would be nice if people who design this crap were paid a late night visit by some hooded people and introduced to some smart therapy out in a corn field using 2X4's while watching his little video on one of those new fangled visor-type viewers. Sort of like scent/pain association by putting a dog in a 55 gallon barrel with a dead skunk and rolling the sealed up barrel down a mile long hill. Hey, maybe put the inventor of this game in the barrel with the skunk for that ride. I'd be ok with that too.
Seriously! Did they honestly think this would have been ok??? Idiots!

Its sad that I have to see my kids deal with this as a possibility. Never in a million years when I was in school did I even once worry about some crazy coming in and killing kids. Now 'even in rural MN' my kids practice "lockdowns" and "active shooter" drills at school. They should be able to just be kids and not worry about these things. And this video game developer thinks its ok to profit off these horrific events!!
I am so thankful I didn't have to deal with this crap when my kids were growing up!! Even the grand kids are out of highschool except one an he's a junior, so I worry for his safety. There was no internet/cell phones/video games back then either.

I blame the parents, how do these kids get guns, explosives?? Somebody is not watching/caring for their own like we did. I got my butt busted more than once growing up (usually deserved it).

I still say the first mistake the US made was to take away the draft!!
MrTom said:
toytruck said:
I still say the first mistake the US made was to take away the draft!!

Ding, ding, ding.....we have a winner!

And they should never have taken God out of the schools and any other public place.

03mossy said:
MrTom said:
toytruck said:
I still say the first mistake the US made was to take away the draft!!

Ding, ding, ding.....we have a winner!

And they should never have taken God out of the schools and any other public place.


Yep, I agree!!! Plus nothing wrong with allowing teachers to punish students in class for misbehaving. Got a few wacks with a yardstick, but I deserved it.
ToyTruck mentions blaming the parents. I agree. Way too much trust and liberty has been given today's kids based on the assumption that all of their kids are just the cat's meow while in fact they are grossly short on life skills. Not all kids....but I'd bet the vast majority.
I'll bet if you take a poll of kids in high school, say 1,000 students, maybe 3 or 4 would know how to sharpen a lawn mower blade. All these kids think that they're entitled to big money right out of school, or, they head to college to become something that is already over populated. Nobody knows how to build a wooden flower box, sharpen a mower blade, or lay blocks. Some construction owners are having difficulty finding anyone with any type of skills. Lots of kids want jobs, but the don't want to work.
A friend is a supervisor in a window manufacturing company and one of his duties is hiring. They can't find help. Either the kids are too busy drawing un-employment after working a year for some dud outfit or those who have just gotten out of high school or college think that middle management is where they deserve to start. Colleges and tech schools are graduating way too many book smart-brain dead kids these days. Bring back the draft. Require a gpa in high school of 3.0 to possess a cell phone and to drive to school...only during the senior year. In the military right from high school. Want a choice as to where you go, enlist. College after two years of service. NO COLLEGE ATHLETICS without the 2 years service. And make one of those college classes being where they are taught that you start at the bottom with everyone else and that you EARN the next rung up the ladder.

Its really that bad today. I've gone in a Mac and Dons to get a couple burgers and fries and have a bill of $5.93 and after handing the idiot at the till a five dollar and a one dollar bills, with the till showing what the change is yet, and the person still can't count it out. KMart and Walmart....don't even get me going on those outfits....they're nothing but society's junkyards. I won't even comment on work ethic among today's workforce....and I use the term "workforce" cautiously. But then how are these "graduates" supposed to actually work when they cannot write or do math in a conventional sense? This sloppy soft, bleeding heart enriched, society we live in today is not doing the younger generations any favors. Changing a damn tire should be part of the driver's exam. No can change, no can drive. No can add, no computer. No can write LONGHAND, no graduation.....and the writing should include spelling. So what do they offer these sofa souses to exercise their minds? A video game that lets someone go hunting kids in school. I wonder if the A hole who built that video game can change a tire?
Not to mention the Retail store I work for, but eleven candidates passed the two interview process. However, out of the eleven candidates, six failed the background check and the other five failed the drug test. This is the worst year in trying to find people who are willing and want to work.
MrTom said:
KMart and Walmart....don't even get me going on those outfits....they're nothing but society's junkyards.

This is ABSOLUTELY true in our Area, Everytime i leave our Walmart i think of Rodney Carrington’s saying about Walmart employees “The Qualifications for this Job must be Breathing?” LOL!
Idaholewis said:
MrTom said:
KMart and Walmart....don't even get me going on those outfits....they're nothing but society's junkyards.

This is ABSOLUTELY true in our Area, Everytime i leave our Walmart i think of Rodney Carrington’s saying about Walmart employees “The Qualifications for this Job must be Breathing?” LOL!

Well I have to inform you that I work for Walmart Logistics (at a distribution center) and they have been good to me and the employees work very hard there and are well rewarded.
A couple years ago I made the decision to get a "real" job after being a self employed woodworker for over 35 years. I was forced into this decision because health insurance was just not affordable for my wife and I and all signs pointed to it getting worse. I applied for several jobs that I was well qualified for but couldn't seem to get hired. I am convinced that it was due to my age, I was 61 at the time. I reluctantly applied at a nearby Walmart Distribution Center and was hired as a forklift operator. I say reluctantly because I had a lot of preconceived notions about Walmart. After three months I was able to get a promotion into the maintenance department which means I mainly do preventive maintenance and repairs on forklifts and anything else around there that needs it. This is right down my alley.
So, long story short is I have a much better opinion of them than I use to. I mostly work with people a lot younger than myself. The ones who stay there are, for the most part, hard working and intelligent. If they aren't they don't last.
I applaud the company for giving an older guy a chance to show what he can do.
Sometimes it is best not to judge a company until you really know a little more about them....
Some of the people who work at the retail stores may not be as gifted as you are but I give them credit for working rather than trying to live without working. I also give the companies a certain amount of credit for hiring people that may not be brain surgeons.

By the way, if the original poster is heading a topic something to do with "Stupid People" it might behoove him to use the correct form of Too!
I have a few friends that have made decent careers with the evil box store. Back on topic, it is beyond mind boggling a vid game with this theme would be released. I should probably be seeing this on the news, and extreme efforts to make their life VERY hard. It's past time for some regulation on the vid game market. We don't seem to have an issue regulating everything else.
I dont know, its really hard to beat Governor Moon Beam, Pelosi, Feinstein and Waters.

Anyone who thanked Castro for providing help to those who needed to "flee political persecution" and thinks oil companies need to be "socialized" needs their head examined.
flounder said:
Idaholewis said:
MrTom said:
KMart and Walmart....don't even get me going on those outfits....they're nothing but society's junkyards.

This is ABSOLUTELY true in our Area, Everytime i leave our Walmart i think of Rodney Carrington’s saying about Walmart employees “The Qualifications for this Job must be Breathing?” LOL!

Well I have to inform you that I work for Walmart Logistics (at a distribution center) and they have been good to me and the employees work very hard there and are well rewarded.
A couple years ago I made the decision to get a "real" job after being a self employed woodworker for over 35 years. I was forced into this decision because health insurance was just not affordable for my wife and I and all signs pointed to it getting worse. I applied for several jobs that I was well qualified for but couldn't seem to get hired. I am convinced that it was due to my age, I was 61 at the time. I reluctantly applied at a nearby Walmart Distribution Center and was hired as a forklift operator. I say reluctantly because I had a lot of preconceived notions about Walmart. After three months I was able to get a promotion into the maintenance department which means I mainly do preventive maintenance and repairs on forklifts and anything else around there that needs it. This is right down my alley.
So, long story short is I have a much better opinion of them than I use to. I mostly work with people a lot younger than myself. The ones who stay there are, for the most part, hard working and intelligent. If they aren't they don't last.
I applaud the company for giving an older guy a chance to show what he can do.
Sometimes it is best not to judge a company until you really know a little more about them....
Some of the people who work at the retail stores may not be as gifted as you are but I give them credit for working rather than trying to live without working. I also give the companies a certain amount of credit for hiring people that may not be brain surgeons.

By the way, if the original poster is heading a topic something to do with "Stupid People" it might behoove him to use the correct form of Too!

Art, No offense to you whatsoever! I lived on the Wa Coast most of my life, The Walmart super center over There was a very well ran store, The employees (for the most part) seemed knowledgeable for their Dept, and were busy. I can assure you it is not the Same here in far North idaho, Nor is the Salary, Pay in general is noticeably less here. Again, i feel it comes down to location. On the Wa coast there are a Gazillion people, if someone is not cutting it/working out, they can VERY EASILY replace that person with someone that can since they have so many people to choose from. There are far less people here in North Idaho, And it only stands to reason that they have to take what they can get for help here. I am not saying that EVERY North Idaho Walmart Employee is an Idiot, Just most of them!

The same holds true for places like Mcdonalds, And Burger King Here in this area. I have Walked in Burger King in Ponderay Idaho and immediately turned and Walked back out the door on more than 1 occasion, The smell was HORRID! I have walked in the Bathrooms and seen things that i wish i could Unsee! Unimaginable Gross! That Burger King was finally SHUT DOWN. I honestly can NOT remember seeing that on the Wa Coast? Not 1 time in 38 years that i can remember? And there are a Million more people over there, I have always thought that they have specific hired help just to Maintain the Bathrooms on the Wa Coast? Again, I believe it boils down to Location, When Employers have access to a Million people they can Afford to pick and choose, But in an area like this with FAR less people, they take what they can get for help. There are VERY few things that i miss about the Wa Coast, and these are a few of them. But truth is, I’d rather Gear up in a Hazmat suit and wade my way in to Burger King here in North Idaho than Live back on the Wa Coast :D

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