We have a slight hog problem..

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That was from my tree stand yesterday morning... not really. It didn't say, but someone said those are European boars and it must be a drive. They are also overpopulating Germany rooting up the soccer fields. Die hogs!!
6.8 SPC M4....ENGAGED!!

That reminds me of the Javelins/Peccaries <sp> in some areas of Texas but MUCH bigger. The main hog lease i hunt is also hunted by the owners son and his friends. They round them up with Quads. Then its a semiauto freeforall at the other end of the "drive".

I dont care for that kind of hunt but it would be a great way to solve many bullet debates. :D
Some one really needs to cull that herd of hogs. They must really tear up that woods with that many hog there.
A big sounder of hogs is like a huge vacuum cleaner going over the land. They root up everything that is edible. They destroy the nests, eggs and the young of ground nesting birds. Yep, hogs also eat fawns that are too small to out-run them.

i have permission to hunt several private properties. i'm the only person allowed to hunt one of those places. In early November i was told by the landowner to either kill lots of hogs or he would let someone else hunt the place. Since then i've killed 9 sows on that place. Seven of them would have had litters.
Okie Hog.. thanks for the correct terminology in the word "sounder." I always knew that a "herd" of hogs was not exactly correct but never did know the true terminology. When I used to work on a hog farm we just called them a lot of F'n pigs. I like that when I can learn something. Sounder of hogs... that's nice. thanks.

I know the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources went wild when they learned a person in the southwest corner of the State turned loose (I think I read) eight sows and two boars of Russian decent. He intended to turn his property into a "hog hunting" farm. Well they got loose, and the DNR told all hunters to shoot on site any pig they saw. Then to make some money, they said you had to have a small game license to do it. Now figure that out. You'd think they would encourage anyone, anytime to just smoke that bacon.

Some day I am going to get somewhere and hunt a hog. I have been telling myself over and over to do it. But just never got it done. I was told there is a place in Michigan that sells hog hunts on a "hog farm." It is supposed to be a large fenced in area where the pigs are free to roam. Somehow that just does not seem what I want to do. Now granted I have nothing against the people that do hunt those places. After all the hogs are running loose. Not like they are in a pen.

I can remember when I was talking to the person I used to work on the farm, about the hog hunting farms. And I told him what they charged, he kind of laughed and said, pay me half of that and I will turn the pig of your choice loose in the hay field and you can have at it...

I hope your able to help that land owner out and shoot lots of hogs off his property.
Then to make some money, they said you had to have a small game license to do it. Now figure that out. You'd think they would encourage anyone, anytime to just smoke that bacon.

Cayuga, it always happens that way. Most of OK south of the Canadian river is swarming with hogs and we still can't hunt them at night with a light. We are not allowed to hunt hogs in the WMAs with muzzleloaders or center fire rifles outside of deer season. But OWDC shoots them from helicopters, go figure.
The hog problem is very bad here in Texas. Right now, the USDA is experimenting with a fast acting poison, for feral hogs. That film was in Europe, some where.

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