Western books?

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Feb 28, 2015
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Did I see a post a while back about western books that were good reading or am I dreaming? I think I even posted a reply but heck, I have trouble remembering what I did yesterday! And so far I have not found the posts.

I have lots of those and could swap a box for box of books. Would only cost the flat shipping rate.

I've got 11 Johnstone books. Two of them contain 2 complete books.

Did you know that shipping books or other "educational" materials (videos, etc.) qualify for a special reduced rate at the post office? It's not fast but it is cheap.
A lot of people must know about it. Every book I buy takes forever to get to me,
I forgot about the book rate.

Here are some of what I have:

Max Brand
Will Henry
Charles G West
Ralph Compton
Matt Braun
Zane Grey
The Wilderness series
Terry C Johnston
Steve Frazee
William W Johnstone
Louie L'amour
All of the above are paperback. And I also have the Louie L'amour leather bound set.

The Free Guttenburg Press is an on line e-source for books in the public domain. 
It is free and is Kindle friendly, too. 

I prefer real books. But, they print the dang things per individual order now. 
I ordered Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land and it cost me 60 bucks!

I read E.E 'Doc' Smith's entire Lensman series, H.P Lovecraft, and L. Frank Baum's 
entire Wizard of Oz series on Guttenburg, I think. Maybe Edgar Rice Burroughs' War Lord of 
Mars series, too.

I am sure there are more than a few westerns if you know the title or author to look for.
Been addicted to westerns since about 1948. Dad and his close friend, Ralph, were seriously into westerns.

Used book shops are a good source of westerns. There is a good used book shop in Marlow, OK.
Some places have Book Trade kiosks. You put your book in and take one of theirs. However, there's not one around here that I know of. (I found one in Turrialba, Costa Rica but they were all in Spanish. :lol:)

I picked up a beat-up copy of "Longfellow's Complete Poetical Works" at a nearby 2nd hand store for $1. It has an autographed photo of Longfellow that appears to have a genuine quill pen signature complete with scratched paper and an ink smear. However, the book was published by his brother after Longfellow's death so it's probably a forgery.
patocazador said:
Some places have Book Trade kiosks. You put your book in and take one of theirs. However, there's not one around here that I know of. (I found one in Turrialba, Costa Rica but they were all in Spanish. :lol:)
That is what I had in mind and was offering.

Good idea. However, you probably already have all the ones I have to trade. Almost all of mine are the "Preacher" series by Johnstone.
These were in one box, I did not look through any other boxes today, can do later if need be.

Author .............................Book

Johnstone..............Blood Alley
Henry...................Journey to Shiloh
Johnson...............One Eyed Dream
    "   ......................Borderlords
    "   .........................Sioux Dawn, book 1
    "  ......................Red Clouds Revenge, book 2
Compton.................Blood and Gold
    "  ......................Guns of the Canyonlands
    "   .......................Death rides a Chestnut Mare
    "   ..........................West of the Law
Brand.........................The Lost Valley
    "   .........................Ghost Rider
    "   .........................Larramee's Ranch
Coldsmith...................Trail of the Spanish Bit, book 1

...............Other here may not be well known...............

Dan Parkinson...................Blood Arrow
Jonas Ward........................Buchanan calls the shots
David Thompson...........Wilderness <a href='/tags/30' rel='nofollow' title='See all tagged subjects with: #30'>#30</a> Savages
Jeff Clinton.................Wanted: Wildcat O'Shea
Clarence E. Mulford.............Tex
Ed Gorman.......................Wolf Moon
Walter Van Tilburg Clark..........The Ox-Bow Incident
Jake Logan.....................Slocum in Paradise
Tabor Evans................Longarm and the crying corpse
   "    ............................   "   ......The bold series with a new slant on the old west.
It is too hard for me to lift a box with more than a couple dozen paperbacks so I did not get into any of the other eight larger boxes of westerns I have read. Medical issues = lots of time for reading and I will continue to empty four large book cases still full of unread westerns. I counted one shelf and it had 133.
My thought of swapping books would benefit both parties and at a very reasonable cost. :D No takers? that is alright too, can always sell locally.

I'll gladly trade with you if you want any that I have. Trouble is most of the hundreds of books I have are limited edition non-fiction books concerning zoology, warfare, or hunting .. not westerns.

I'll pm you the books I have to trade and if you find any you like, we'll swap.
I've got the first 19-20 books of the Wilderness series if any one is interested. I was going to start collecting another entire series to sell later down the road but if anyone is interested... money or trade. I paid $80 for them.

The books arrived at our PO Saturday and my wife picked them up today, thank you. I will have more of the authors you like and when I have read them I will mail to you.

I have lots of western books for swap.

I already read one of yours, John. Larramee's Ranch by Max Brand. It was excellent.

I read Lando by Louie L'amour last week. It was very good also.

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