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Long Range Shooter
Supporting member
Dec 4, 2009
Reaction score
Wishing everyone a safe and Merry Christmas. Enjoy family and friends.

If you know of someone elderly that may be by themselves, invite them to Christmas dinner, stop by with a small gift, let them know that someone cares. That may be all they have.

Shake someone's hand, give someone a hug, because you care.
Wishing everyone a safe and Merry Christmas. Enjoy family and friends.

If you know of someone elderly that may be by themselves, invite them to Christmas dinner, stop by with a small gift, let them know that someone cares. That may be all they have.

Shake someone's hand, give someone a hug, because you care.

Well said!! This year I played Santa Clause for the Physically and Mentally handicap. It was the most memorable and rewarding experience of my life. It also made me realize no matter how bad we may have it there are many people who have it a lot worse. My heart goes out to those family’s who must endure those difficulties every day of their lives taking care of family with those issues.
Merry Christmas to all. Stopped by an old neighbors (who can't hunt anymore) this morning with some venison jerky and summer sausage. It was good to see him smile. On the road in the morning to visit son out of town.
Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
Happy birthday Jesus. Merry Christmas to all in the MM brotherhood.
Good mornin , I'm not Christian,a very proud Athiest/Anti Theist in fact, I came from a fam divided between both. I don't celebrate anything but a day with lost of good food & hopefully get to spend some of the day with ppl I care about & enjoy being around. I did want to extend a happy day wish to all that do celebrate with their families. Until tomorrow MML
Good mornin , I'm not Christian,a very proud Athiest/Anti Theist in fact, I came from a fam divided between both. I don't celebrate anything but a day with lost of good food & hopefully get to spend some of the day with ppl I care about & enjoy being around. I did want to extend a happy day wish to all that do celebrate with their families. Until tomorrow MML
I thank you for your hope for a happy day with our loved ones . I have considered this a great deal in my reply back to you in depth . I like deep things . I regret the turmoil youve endured . So i reach my hand to you as well in hope .
Did you know if the "Laws of Physics" , all of them together which describe this world includeing you , are put in a mathimatical formula and worked in great be solved they point to one thing ??? Math has a beauty , a simple truth about itself that is exact . It is purely honest . It embodies the truth and as it speaks it , its undeniable . I greatly respect math for its simple honesty . This , i know , can invoke many emotions at times . Truth can be unsettleing , but it still "IS" . Much of science would like to ignore , deny , or even twist this . Problem is the laws of physics are a Rock , so opinions dont sway them a bit . Now Sideshow just what does this have to do with everything , including "Hope" ???
Remember that.formula i spoke of ??
ALL things that just "are" in this place we call Earth point to just ONE thing in all their combined , subtracted , multiplied , and divided honest result .
It is their testimoney .

They ALL point to He whose hands formed each and everyone of them , "Jesus"..........
I can only "hope" that this too will be a happy day for you and all in how it adds up . Without equal , my friend , it IS the truth........
I want you to know this was written with a heart full of tenderness toward you . I have no desire to offend you nor do you Any harm in any way . I also dont wish to preach nor badger . I simply wanted for you to share in my joy for today.....this is my hope....
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Sideshow it is BC of the men like you in here that make me pleased & proud to be amongst you. I gladly accept the hand of brotherhood, friendship, and mans humanity & compassion toward his fellow man. So, from my heart to yours, from one man to another, one life long hunter/shooter& ML lover/one human being to another, thank you sincerely for your incredible reply to me. In those parameters only do I openly joyfully accept & appreciate your messg & your sentiment behind it. As for the religious aspects of it we will have to respectfully disagree & decline. I am a pretty deep, complex, analytical, logical, rational, with a big intellectual side like you. I much prefer to focus my energy on the commonalities ( ties that bind ) that we share as free men & human beings & leave all the division ancient man made mythology in the ancient past where it belongs. Much respect & my Kindest regards to you & all in here. Tom P