My Fish Gumbo Stinks !

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Jan 23, 2023
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Yeah i am sure someone has thrown in Gar n Grinnel into it. Mind you The Gumbo is the BLK. powder Sub's n the stinking fish is none other than Hodgdon. Have you noticed in the past 8 years how many other powder Companies they have bought out. They are certainly trying to own the monopoly board n raise the prices til your nose bleeds ! Me thinks Mikey me boy its time to save up my samolians this year n buy 10-20 cans of Swiss in various flavors for the long haul
100% agree. But im going the other route and switching to smokeless and non- hodgdon brands.
What i have on hand now was bought prior to Hodgdon's bid to take over the powder world n greed ! For my sml i have RL7/H4198/VV110/IMR4759 & Blue Dot. I have a total of 11 lbs mixed only 2 lb of H4198 n will not buy anymore of it
The current powder market is what it is. I have preferred powders for the bulk of my muzzies and have enough of it to shoot comfortably, regularily. NOT shooting is not going to happen. If I need to pay a bit more for a jug of BH209 to get me hunting, so be it. Like Michiganmuzzy, I'm starting down the smokeless rabbit hole and can find a lot more accessability there and really haven't found the need to fret about the subs for the other inlines.
100% agree. But im going the other route and switching to smokeless and non- hodgdon brands.
I can not wait to start in the exact same direction brother, smokeless - non Hodgdon powders. When I'm all done with my projects & evolution process, I'll only have 1 gun ( my Accura V2 ) still shooting BH 209 - until that runs out. Then I have a decent amount of T7 on hand. I'll have 1 gun shooting exclusively T7, and the rest will be smokeless, including the Paramount.
Its funny smokepolehall mentions the " funky smell ", the last 2 times me & Anomyouscowherd were shooting with my Accura & Paramount, he mentioned that " Funky smell " of the smoke clouds with the BH 209 & what I use in my Paramount. He's not wrong. Its not pleasant in the least. It did make me think & give a little kudos to the traditional guys bc of their innate love for the smell of real black powder. It did give me a lil appreciation for that aspect of muzzleloading. The whole " Stinky Gumbo " thing, threw me for a loop, now its funny as heck. Dude is quite a friggin character, a welcome addition to our menagerie.
I want to try out some Lovex and Shooters World powders. Hopefully H wont try to buy up Estes once they get GOEX back in production.
Heck bro, when my T7 starts running out I'm thinkin about goin the Shooters World powder or another powder like it that Mnt Monkey told me about. He got a bunch of it to mitigate cost of other powders. I don;t remember if it was Alliant or American brand.
Heck bro, when my T7 starts running out I'm thinkin about goin the Shooters World powder or another powder like it that Mnt Monkey told me about. He got a bunch of it to mitigate cost of other powders. I don;t remember if it was Alliant or American brand.
I like it, do not want to talk to much about it. It upsets Mr. Tom. Look into it. I'm trying to learn about the smoke-less as well. Who knows how long this will be around. Stay safe sir.
I like it, do not want to talk to much about it. It upsets Mr. Tom. Look into it. I'm trying to learn about the smoke-less as well. Who knows how long this will be around. Stay safe sir.
" it upsets mr Tom " aaahhh ha ha ha ha wellllll too dang bad for him ain't it. Never let ppl like him prevent or interfere with you from posting whatever the hell you want & discussing whatever product or topic that you want. There is an IGNORE button for a good reason, use it. I did.
Thanks for your post Laudy