.67 Canoe Gun Flinter Completed!!!

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Gosh Darn razor. . .

Build me a flintlock would you?

I am totally jealous and envy of your superb talent. . .

People here at work are wondering why I am drooling like a Saint Bernard dog just before he eats. . . .


Well, she's done. I tried to give the impression that this gun has been around for awhile. The brass has some age to it as does the barrel and lock. Hard to see in these pics is the simulated damascus treatment to the barrel. There are plenty of flaws on this one. Building a flintlock is more complicated than I would have guessed. My inletting leaves much to be desired because I did most of it while the stock was still oversize. By inIetting too deep I lost that tight fit that an experienced builder will always acheive. Still, I learned allot and my next flinter will reflect this fact. Oh yes, there will be another one! I had never fired a flintlock before yesterday and now I'm hooked. An incredible experience to say the least. It'll have to wait until next Winter though 'cuz I'm in my busy season at work now and there's simply no time for such endeavors. I think that I've settled on a pretty good load for turkeys. Just in time too as my season opens Thursday here in RI and I just happen to have Thursdays off. :mrgreen:

Without further adieu...

Here's a link to a short video of one of the first shots taken with her after proofing. There's a problem with the sound however. You'll hear the gun fire long before you'll see it. Also, I failed to get a close up of the target so you can't really see the pattern.


Beautiful job... that is going to be real interesting to see how well it shoots.
I can only say "Wow. . . "

Words cannot explain or describe what I am thinking. . .
That is one beautiful rifle! I appreciate you sharing the entire process with pics. It makes it allot of fun to follow the entire build all the way to shooting it.
Thanks folks for all of the kind words. I'll be sure to post up my next build but it won't be for awhile. I'm in my busy season again at work and that leaves little time for anything else. Probably next February. Right after hunting season.
On a side note... I took the canoe gun out yesterday for it's very first turkey hunt. I did have one working but he never came in. Hoping to try again next Thursday. If I do connect I'll definitely post up the story and pics here.

Thanks again,
