Bear Census Vindicates Florida's Bear Hunt

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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2012
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As usual, the biologists were right. There were plenty of bears to allow hunting. The recent census gives a population of ~ 4350 bears statewide. 300 were killed in two days during the October hunt.





They don't seem to be good at animal numbers. Colorado used to think we had 10,000 bears. Then they found out they counted wrong and say we have 18,000 bears now.

That's why bear tags are easy to get now. I just wish there was more bears where I hunt. Only one bear was taken in my area last year. Those are lousy odds, but I keep trying. I think the smart ones live near me.
Bob is right. Muley is probably right.

But, they are still complaining because 'They have not yet counted every bear.' 
Hogswollop. Boulder-dash. Mendacity.

I wish people who were against something on principle would just say so.
Stop making up silly delay/obstruction crap for others to go through simply 
because you don't really want it to happen at all.

It does not matter if there are 4,350 bears or 4,550 bears as long as you account 
for the lower figure for breeding purposes.
As the article states:

Population surveys that began in 2014 were completed using hair samples collected from lures set for bears over 11 million acres. The new total reflects a 60 percent increase over roughly 2,700 estimated in 2002, Eason said.
With about 2,000 Florida bear cubs born each year and even though roughly half those cubs won't survive, the population has been increasing, Eason said.
"Populations are strong and robust and growing," he said.
"I just wish there was more bears where I hunt. Only one bear was taken in my area last year. Those are lousy odds, but I keep trying."

Just travel a bit to where they're more plentiful. Call the Game Commission and talk to a game warden; they know where they are.
I don't travel far to hunt. I don't camp anymore, so I have to drive to the hunting area every morning. Bear tags are generous. I can hunt 5 units and that's a lot of area. Which is part of the problem. No baiting means I need to find them on foot which is how I hunt anyway, but bears roam for 20 miles looking for food in the fall. Trying to find one takes a bit of luck. I can't pattern them like I can deer and elk.

All I can do is go to natural food sources and hope they're there. Been there and are gone is what I usually find. Bunch of bear scat and empty berry bushes is what I find.

No problem though. I'll keep trying. The season is a month long. I'm happy just being in the mountains hunting. Kills are a bonus.
bear and turkey hunting: My 2 most favorite things not to hunt due to boredom LOL.
tried that the last 2 years and it didn't work. When they have food available at their paw, calling is super hard for them to react to.

Pete you getting snow? Its coming down hard here.
Yes, calling can fail easily, but when you get one to come in it's not boring.

We got snow last night and a bit this morning. Some more is expected tonight. It's not amounting to much. Warm weather in the future will melt it off.