Bee Keepinng

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Jul 13, 2014
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I've enjoyed this for about the last ten years even though it's quite challenging. I had my best year last year with two hundred pounds. My hives this year aren't quite as strong because of a nectar dearth in June but other wise very healthy with very few mites. Any other bee keepers on the forum?
There's been a lot of controversy and finger pointing about bee population decline. Two very probable causes are pesticides and lack of food because of monoculture. Also pests such as varroa mites and hive beetles which are a big problem in the southern US.If you don't deal with these two pests they will certainly destroy any hive.
I've enjoyed this for about the last ten years even though it's quite challenging. I had my best year last year with two hundred pounds. My hives this year aren't quite as strong because of a nectar dearth in June but other wise very healthy with very few mites. Any other bee keepers on the forum?
Hey you wanna sell me some bees wax
I've enjoyed this for about the last ten years even though it's quite challenging. I had my best year last year with two hundred pounds. My hives this year aren't quite as strong because of a nectar dearth in June but other wise very healthy with very few mites. Any other bee keepers on the forum?
My son and used this for the last few years with great success.
Here's a link for more info
I haven't heard much lately about the decline in the wild honey bee population.
Are they still? Or have they rebounded any?
I watch a lot of the Discovery channel, Learning channel, History channel & Nat Geo. That being said, I have watched a cpl documentaries on bees. I really was very pleasantly surprised at how fascinating they are ( bees in general ) but learning what all they really do for the ecosystem & their multitude of contributions to us humans was amazing. You're right, there was a big media coverage & documentaries being constantly shown about bees & their future being in big trouble & what that means for us & the planet. Now, NUTHIN!
I've enjoyed this for about the last ten years even though it's quite challenging. I had my best year last year with two hundred pounds. My hives this year aren't quite as strong because of a nectar dearth in June but other wise very healthy with very few mites. Any other bee keepers on the forum?
You should create a new reality show called " Naked BeeKeeper " & like nekkit & skeered, cover the twig & berries with the blurry cloud, but film what its like being a naked beekeeper, have ppl come do it for 7 day challenges or something like that. That would be fun to watch. Maybe start out on YouTube LOL Maybe throw in a cool twist like Drunk naked beekeepers, that would certainly spice the show up.
This means that I should get royalties from being the creator of your new show right?