Don't Trust Anyone Over Thirty!

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We have a Blaze King in the living room and a Hearthstone in the master bedroom in the old house. I usually have 8 cords ready for the winter, and burn a little over 6. The place where I stack it was getting to be a mess, so I did not stack as much this year so that I could clean it up when the pile was gone. That is why I have to cut wood now.
While the spousal unit is younger than me, she is not in as good shape. I put a propane fireplace in the new place. I will put a wood stove in the shop here when I get it built. I was told today that she did not want to spend another winter by herself in the old place, so I had better plan on getting a shop built so we can move. Twice a week I go over there and do the heavy lifting.
At 43 you are the same age as my pickup. I bought it new the day after Thanksgiving in 1979.
Well, count me in, too. Fixing to hit 61.
Neighbor is 49 and he was talking to me about turning 50. I told him, ”Look, when you hit 60, everything is realized. You now have all the answers, know everything, can do anything, and life is easier. And that ain’t all!” He laughed! I’m not the one on blue pills!

Oh, pellet grille is the way to go! See, I told you!
The hernia was from not acting my age,, 2 to 300 push-ups a day and a lot of ab wheel when you're 58 59 is not good,,, I sure thought I could still do it,, truth is maybe I still think I can ,,,just kidding,,, I don't want to go through this process again so as of today I'm a little wiser,,, I wouldn't take youth back again if God offered it to me,,, I enjoy getting old,, of course I'm referring more to perspective,,, all kinds of things starting to happen physically,, and I absolutely am starting to see that old age is not for cowards. Life is so so good!!! If I could wax grateful for a moment please y'all be patient,, so thankful for friends and family,, so grateful for work,,, so grateful to live in a country like America, and so very appreciative of my friends on modern muzzleloader.
Make sure you take it easy for a couple months. Seriously, I had a hernia repair about 10 years ago, so I know!
Got mine from dragging a deer up hill to the fire road in the woods I was hunting one season.
We seniors, Lol have to learn to slow down some, even if we don't like it.
I didn't pull the trigger on a deer all season because of it, I knew if I did I was always by myself and would end up either having to carry it out of the woods or quarter it and carry it out.
I didn't pull the trigger on a deer all season because of it, I knew if I did I was always by myself and would end up either having to carry it out of the woods or quarter it and carry it out.
I hear ya, I suffered with mine for about a year before I had the surgery. Dumb idea on my part, didn't want to take time off work for it.
After the surgery, the doctor said I had the largest abdominal tear he had ever seen.
So at least I was number 1 in something.
Speaking of having no hair…I started going bald about age 35. One of the best things that ever happened to me. 8 years now haven’t spent a dime on shampoo or visits to the barber shop. There’s a silver lining in everything! MTY nice job on that firewood! I’ve also become a fan of whiskey! 5-6 beers makes me go the bathroom all night long. 8-10 ounces of whiskey…maybe one trip to the bathroom. Nothing wrong with getting old. Embrace it, cause you can’t fight it. Gonna happen to all of us. Just adapt to the changes.
I do a pretty poor job when it comes to drinking. A fifth will last me 5 to 10 years. I have not had a beer in at least 10 years. This is what happens when you still have hair. You have to save all your money for shampoo.
I do a pretty poor job when it comes to drinking. A fifth will last me 5 to 10 years. I have not had a beer in at least 10 years. This is what happens when you still have hair. You have to save all your money for shampoo.
or you could drink cheap tequila and just forget about your hair. Save that shampoo money for powder and lead.20220219_102725_HDR.jpg

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