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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2012
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Disclaimer: I seriously doubt that the measurements given here are anywhere near factual. The largest Eastern diamondback rattler has been reported to be an 11 ft. snake recovered from an abandoned house in West Palm Beach in the early 1900s. Even that measurement is unconfirmed. Diamondbacks over 6 ft. long are extremely rare.

Camera angles and Photoshop are probably what made this snake so big.   ... Bob

Found on a golf course in Florida.

This is why you shouldn't go looking for the golf balls hit "Out of Bounds" in Florida!





This is a 15 foot Eastern Diamondback rattlesnake - the largest ever caught on record.
This snake was found Near the St. Augustine outlet, in a new KB homes subdivision just south of Jacksonville FL.
A little research revealed the following:
One bite from a snake of this size would contain enough venom to kill over 40 full grown men.
The head of this snake alone is larger than the hand of a normal sized man.
A bite from those fangs would be comparable to being stabbed by two curved, 1/4 inch in diameter screwdrivers.
The knife being used to draw out the fangs for the bottom picture has a blade around 6 inches long. This snake is estimated to have weighed over 170 pounds. (How much do you weigh?) Notice the girth of this snake as compared to the cop's leg in the first picture.
A snake of this size could easily swallow a 2 year-old child (and dogs, pigs, etc).
A snake this size has an approximately 5 1/2 foot accurate striking distance. The distance for an average size rattlesnake is about 2 feet.
This snake has probably been alive since George Bush Sr. was President. Now ask yourself these questions: What has this snake been feeding on and where are it's possible offspring?
And believe me it would not have to bite me.....I would have a heart attack anyway!!!

The world record confirmed eastern diamondback rattlesnake is right at eight feet.   Ditto for the world record confirmed western diamondback rattlesnake.  

My hearing is shot and i can't hear the damn things.  Almost stepped on a 6'7" rattlesnake on Ft. Sill.  Guy i was with came up and said:  "Can't you hear that rattle snake".  
"And what rattlesnake might that be, i asked?"
It was the one about five feet from me.  It was cool that morning or i would have been nailed.
The largest one I've ever come close to was when my bird dog pointed a 5 1/2 ft. one. It was as big around as my calf.
That's scary. Rattler venom is pretty high up the list for strength.

Depending on the area in which it's found, the Mojave green rattlesnake may venom that contains both hemotoxins and neurotoxins. While working a jobsite near El Centro, CA i met a man whose co-worker was bitten on the face while walking in a narrow canyon. He died within 15 minutes.

There is little doubt that rattlesnakes sometimes exceed the maximum confirmed length by some measure. In 1979 another soldier and myself saw one on Ft. Sill that was over 8 feet long.
Being bitten the face is a bad deal period. Even if he survived the bite, most of his face would have sloughed off due to the local damage.

I was bowhunting with my 12 yr.-old son back in '92 and we walked along a firebreak into a forest. The break was made with a backhoe and was deeper than the surrounding terrain. It held a lot of water and there were dozens of cottonmouths along it. At one point it cut through a high berm and I encountered a 3 1/2'-4' cottonmouth at chest level only 2 ft. from me. Even though I had a machete, I ran rather than fight.  :affraid:
Luckily, I didn't see a mamba over there but they all scattered when they saw a boomslang.

"Feets, don't fail me now!"
Yep just as dangerous , and there is no anti venom for them . Luckily their mouths are small and they won't get a good bite on a grown man.