Hog Hunt Flub.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
I took my dog to a public area for hunting yesterday. Everything was muddy or underwater with all the rain. I walked about a mile and a half mostly through muck until I got to some islands. Nyssa acted "hoggy" but we didn't jump any.
On the way out I flushed a woodcock. I've lived in Florida since '71 and this was the 1st woodcock I've ever seen here.

After lunch we went to the east side of the property to another island. I needed hip boots to reach this one. It has a dim trail that splits and we were almost to the end of the second path when Nyssa rousted a big red hog with black spots. It jumped across the path but I wasn't ready with the shotgun. As it busted through the palmettos, I shot too far behind with my handloaded <a href='/tags/1' rel='nofollow' title='See all tagged subjects with: #1'>#1</a> buckshot. Nyssa chased it to the split path but my beta blocker BP pills wouldn't let me chase it very far before I was gasping for breath.
The hog got to the water in some thick willows and made its escape. It was exciting for a minute or two.

I was lucky I missed because getting that hog back to the truck would have been a real chore.

Today my old legs were sore so I relaxed by reloading 150 .44 magnum plinking rounds. They turned out to be very accurate at 15 yards offhand.
Enjoying the outdoors, the company of a dog, seeing game, excitement of the hunt, and loading ammo while resting makes a fun day and that is what it is all about.
