I woke up this morning

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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2020
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I woke up this morning and got myself a gun. Anyone remember The sopranos?

Just kidding no gun just a good mood. I did wake up this morning to glorious nature.

The squirrels were wrestling in the trees! These are hardcore Flint City squirrels not suitable for harvest. I ended up taking a bag of almonds and scattering it for them to feed on.

I plan on feeding the city squirrel as a way of balancing nature. I do plan on going out and hunting them in the country. Maybe I'm part of the problem I don't know. In my mind it balances things out.

They're cute but they're tasty so you know "it's on" as they say.

Michigan squirrel season is approaching soon and I'm very excited.
Most of the time a hit to the body and they run 15-20 yards and pile up. A head or neck shot anchors them right now, a little thrashing around but very little. A head shot and it all stops right there. The pellet guns are quiet enough that it doesn't alert the remaining woods there is trouble about. More often multiple squirrels can be had from one location, I had 1 hour I killed 4.
One of these days I'll invest in a suppressed 22. Which in my opinion is the only caliber that's Worthy of a suppressor option.

It hurts though. What do they want $200 for a tax stamp and a year wait? That's on top of about 3 to $400 for the suppressor itself. All to be put on a $200 rifle. Smh.
One of these days I'll invest in a suppressed 22. Which in my opinion is the only caliber that's Worthy of a suppressor option.

It hurts though. What do they want $200 for a tax stamp and a year wait? That's on top of about 3 to $400 for the suppressor itself. All to be put on a $200 rifle. Smh.
Tony Soprano had a suppressor on his. I'm pretty sure most of what he shot was in the head. Prolly didn't kill too many squirrels though. He loved animals. Even more than people. I bet he never paid no stinkin' $200 tax stamp or waited a year for his. Whata ya kiddin' me!!!! Fugetaboutit!!!
I live in town and use a pellet gun. I have the squirrels' numbers fairly well pared down around home. Now its rabbits. Its gotten to the point where if it gnaws, its a target. Final destination, the garbage can.
About 50 years ago I knew this young kid who took a piece of thick walled pvc and cut a notch in one end of it. The notch allowed the pvc to slip onto the barrel of a rifle by placing the front sight in the notch. He then secured the pvc to the rifle barrel with hose clamps.
The pvc had a great number of holes drilled into it, and was wrapped in fiberglass pipe insulation. 18" past the muzzle seemed like the proper distance.
Taking a few coils off of the recoil spring on the semi auto 22 the pvc was mounted on resulted in three round bursts. It would then jamb, but it was an urban rodent eliminator before jamming. After a quick unjamming it was ready for another rodent. Shame on that kid. He probably grew up to be a menace to society.
1: .22CB caps and .22ultrashorts and .22 culibri (primer only) don't need suppression. The last time I found a source for such quiet ammo I bought cases. turned out to be a "sound" investment.

2: urban squirrels and my peach tree: After the snow melts and I know whether or not I'm going to have a crop, I'll prop open my havahart trap and start using it as a squirrel feeding station. I figure a month of bird seed is a wise investment. Then about a month before harvest I'll use it as a trap. And I'll relocate them.
I've done the same "relocation" with many small town house cats that like to pee on my back porch around the woodpile where my wife feeds her "back yard bunnies, or BYBs". Funny, They don't seem to have the make it back home navigation instinct that most are known for, just sayin'...trader
My relocation center has two wheels and currently sits on the curb awaiting the truck that it gets dumped into.

Feral cats seem to enjoy using my garden as my garden plots as their personal bivvie. Those animals quickly get introduced to the relocation center. We love cats actually, as long as they are inside someone's home or on a farm. Here in town I see no cats at all with collars and license tags, but the feral ones are all over. There's some nitwit outfit that live traps feral cats and has them neutered or spayed and vaccinated for disease, then they bring them right back where they were caught and releases them. The problems that the cats brought with them to begin with simply return with them. Vaccines only last so long in cats so disease is a recurring issue in a year or so. Their crap is a constant though and I am in no way opposed to helping eliminate them, as feral cats should be dealt with.
My relocation center has two wheels and currently sits on the curb awaiting the truck that it gets dumped into.

Feral cats seem to enjoy using my garden as my garden plots as their personal bivvie. Those animals quickly get introduced to the relocation center. We love cats actually, as long as they are inside someone's home or on a farm. Here in town I see no cats at all with collars and license tags, but the feral ones are all over. There's some nitwit outfit that live traps feral cats and has them neutered or spayed and vaccinated for disease, then they bring them right back where they were caught and releases them. The problems that the cats brought with them to begin with simply return with them. Vaccines only last so long in cats so disease is a recurring issue in a year or so. Their crap is a constant though and I am in no way opposed to helping eliminate them, as feral cats should be dealt with.
I am on the fence about "relocating" cats. My wife has a garden that draws lots of rabbits like its their own supermarket. When i cant keep the rabbits out, the feral cats do. But when my neighbor and the 'yotes cut into the cats, the rabbit numbers swell again. My wife says "Kill The Rabbits" i kill the rabbits. She says "Dont kill the cats" i dont kill the cats. Then she lets me buy more ML stuff. It's the cycle of life. Right now the rabbits are numerous again. And the skwirls chewed thru my internet cable, so that season is back on, now. I usually leave them be cuz theyre amusing when they taunt the neighbors dogs. Getting out my Benjamin Disco PCP soon.

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