my little girl new cat pet

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strong eagle

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2016
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i brought in the shyest female cat of the litter for a house cat. she is a sweet heart and only 5 months old. when i came up stairs this morning their was a dead mouse on the oak hardwood floor of the dining room. she killed it but didnt eat it. she is a real loving lap cat. i go to bed early and she sleeps with me laying on my feet. when my wife goes to bed she goes under the bed and sleeps their. she lays on my chest in the evening and looks me in the face and touches my face with a paw. she and i are close and i like that. she doesnt know it but next week she is getting fixed and her shots and her front claws taken off. the good news is she will probably live to very old for a can and have a very good life. every day she gets a can of salmon and one raw egg before bedtime. i like nice cats. her sisters are being caught this weekend and going to a nice ranch next week. the boys can hang around if they want or go on their way. they all sleep in my old pickup as i leave a window open so they can get in their with ease. i have another old nutered tom and they like to look to him as the leader of the group and pile up on him to sleep in my old toyota pickup. cant have any out side female though as soon their will be dozens around here.most ranch cats here have been eaten by mountain lions so ranchers want my cats to build up their ranch cats population again. i like cats.
When still on the farm outside Ft. Collins CO the damn kids going to CSU every vacation they would dump off their pets at farms. I would go out to the barn and find stray cats and dogs all the time.

Had full wheel hub caps (washed out turned upside down for food bowls). Kept them full morning and night, food bill kept going up but that's OK they were hungry. Everyone got along because all they wanted was food, once feed they found their spot in the stacked hay inside to hide and keep warm. Skunks even came in, didn't spray, just ate and left. Interesting how food settles everyone down in the fall and winter. Kept all the males cut, didn't need anymore than those that showed up.
we love stray cats around here. 6 adults and  3 babies right now.