... Oiled them up until spring maybe ........

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Oct 1, 2009
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:( :cry:

Took out the rifles and cleaned them, which they didn't need, and oiled them up until the weather breaks.  
This weekend is supposed to hit 40 but as my luck goes I've got a family thing to take care off. :slaps:
If worse comes to worse and I start climbing the walls :bounce:  because I can't get to the out door range because of the weather, I do have an in door range that allows black powder shooters to dirty their guns. It's only 25 yards and sometimes I wonder if it's worth it  :Questuon:

Ray............. :scratch:
heck yeah its worth it LOL. 25 yards is good to break in in a barrel and practice sight picture & trigger pull.

Hope all is well Ray!

 Things were looking up but day before yesterday my oldest son hit a patch of black ice and rolled his SUV a few times but he walked away. 
Yesterday he called me and told me he was on his way to the hospital. The doc's there took their time and after sitting on pins and needles we get a call from my daughter in law. The blood work, EKG, chest, neck and head x rays and ct scan all came back negative. Again he walked away with just a few bruises. We are all great full for that but the nerves haven't settled down yet. Seems like it's always something.
Tomorrow is going to be another crazy day.....
Would you believe I've been married for 44 yrs, to the same girl, and tomorrow is my anniversary.
UNBELIEVABLE :!: :!: :!: Like I said, it's one thing after another :slaps:

Hey Hawgslayer,
I am now 68 and have been married to my wife for 44 years this past August. That's almost 44 1/2 years!
How do they manage to put up with us??? :slaps: 
Hey Ray, I believe it!  My anniversary is in May.  45 years to the same girl!  She was my high school sweet heart.  My daughter is 42 years old tomorrow.  Hard to believe that too because I'm the same age as Jack Benny...39  :D

Glad to hear that your son is going to be OK.  Sounds like a rough accident.
glad to hear all is good.
Been married to the same saint 46  years. She promised tonight is THE night
Wishful thinking on my part :slaps: These young whipper snappers will find out but first they have to make it to our age........... :lol!:

Ray............... :thumbs up:
well you lucky fellows that have been married for 40+ years, you guys be careful. I dont want to hear that one of you OD'd on the blue pill. :rolling on flo
Congrats all of you old geezers! I'm the pup I guess amongst the married.  It's only been 40 years for me.  I guess it must be we all carry big smoke poles.

On a sadder note, there is no fresh venison in our house this year.  Hunted hard and never had a good shot.  On the last day I had 4 bucks and at least 12 does within 40 yards and couldn't shoot because of all the brush in between us.  If I had only been set up 20 yards to the side...

Oh well, next year!
 I know how you feel. I didn't get any last season. This year I put some venison in the freezer. The hunting gods smiled upon this year instead of the frown. 
You'll get them next year. That's the fun of hunting............anyway they'll be bigger next season. :Red tup:

Hey Jon, at our age we have "CRS" disease.....what's the pill for?  :shock:
Huntin_Dawg1215 said:
Congrat to all you guys married 40 + will be 32 in May for me and mine. What's a blue pill?
A blue pill will make you rise early and stay up all day. If you stay up too long (more then 4 hours) call your doctor and all your friends :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: