Se Lavi / Thats just the way it goes

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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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I hunted the rodeo stand tonight,I call it that becase it is a 16' ladder stand on a small pine tree and when the wind blows,Rodeo time. YEEE HAWWWW
I had a BIG doe at 75 yards,scoped her trying to grow horns but it didn't work. (does are not legal without a SPECIAL DOE TAG)
I come out after dark and there is a message on my cell,it's the club president,it says,Scott,I've got your SPECIAL DOE TAG'S here,I meant to call you yesterday but got busy,Call me!

DARN,DARN,DARN,DARN,DARN (herman munster style)

Just my luck
When my ship came in I was at the bus station

Oh Well,$hit happens,Misery is optional
Saxman, how many deer have you harvested so far? And how many nice rifles along with all the related equipment and hunting gear do you have?

As they say, life's a beach. :)
Underclocked said:
Saxman, how many deer have you harvested so far? And how many nice rifles along with all the related equipment and hunting gear do you have?

As they say, life's a beach. :)

I have killed 5 deer so far
3 bucks and 1 doe with my crossbow for myself and I tracked and finished off a small buck that was wounded by a rookie hunter at me lease.
He asked for help and then gave up when it got tough,I didn't give up,I tracked it and shot it wile it was bedded with my crossbow.
I hate to give up on a animal.

I Used to have LOTS of nice rifles and gear but since getting sick I have sold most.
I do have lots of hunting equipment accumulated over the years,stands,blinds,calls,scents,etc
Looks like I will only have one muzzy when it's all said and done and that will be the Encore.I just got the Optima back but will most likely sell it.
I have the guns that I inherited.
I do have allot of stuff.
Batchief909 said:
An' where iz lungbuster1??


I got an E mail from lungbuster1 yesterday and he is still around.
I will try to call him tomorrow and talk him into coming back on the forums.
He is having a tough time with his seperation.
He didn't seem to have a tough time logging onto DWBs at 9:33PM tonight..... :roll: Whassup with that?? :roll: 8)

Joined: Dec 2007
Posts: 77
Location: Southern IN

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Name: indiana
Email: [email protected]
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Location: Southern IN
Posts: 77
Date Registered: Dec 6, 2007, 4:45pm
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Last Login Date: Today at 9:33pm

Explain this to me,,if you will,,Saxman. He can email you,,,and log on to DWBs,,,,but yet he doesn't post anything since the raffle,,,except for his personal problems. But yet,,,,he can log on and read posts,,,,but doesn't post. Hmmmmmmmmm... 8) I'm confused.... :roll:
Batchief909 said:
He didn't seem to have a tough time logging onto DWBs at 9:33PM tonight..... :roll: Whassup with that?? :roll: 8)

Joined: Dec 2007
Posts: 77
Location: Southern IN

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Name: indiana
Email: [email protected]
Gender: Undisclosed
Location: Southern IN
Posts: 77
Date Registered: Dec 6, 2007, 4:45pm
Account Status: Activated
Recent Activity
Last Login Date: Today at 9:33pm

Explain this to me,,if you will,,Saxman. He can email you,,,and log on to DWBs,,,,but yet he doesn't post anything since the raffle,,,except that his wife has left him........but yet he still logs on to various sites.....Hmmmmmmm.... :roll:

TRUST ME,,,,,I'm not insinuating anything,,,,but this has got my curiosity aroused... 8)
Excuse me,i thought his wife had left.i am so sorry
Grouse said:
Your daughter is in critical condition and you are posting on a Muzzleloader board?????????? :?
I think some things have transpired that cast some doubt on a lot of recent events. Certainly Saxman1's daughter being badly hurt is not one of them.

I apologize for any negative insinuation in my earlier post in this thread.

It was misdirected.
Grouse said:
Your daughter is in critical condition and you are posting on a Muzzleloader board?????????? :?

Yes I am posting on a muzzleloader board.
I am home taking care of my other children while my wife is with my daughter.
Reading and posting here is good therapy for me,helps keep my mind occupied.
I'm sorry if it offends you sir.
No,I'm not sorry
Re: Grouse

Bucker said:
I always turn to my friends when I get down?

I do too.

Tom has a right to his opinion it just differs from mine and that's ok too
Ce Lavi..That's just the way it goes

What a co-incidence!!!! I was just wondering about the lack of visits by Lungbuster tonight myself. I was going to PM him to see how he was doing. After all, I think we are ALL concerned about the plights of our fellow members. He spent a lot of time & energy on the raffle business from what I could see. I just missed his input & was wondering about him.

Art Sehnke :? :cry:
Art,,,I think your assessment of a "raffle business" is pretty close to center. 8) 8)