Stock bedding

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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2018
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I would like to do a job on a traditional muzzleloader. Mostly make sure the tang and barrel are rock solid with no movement due to firing or temperature changes. I know there is a process and I have used "commercial" material on a conventional centerfire. I was thinking since the barrel is octagon and only touches the wood in a few spots I would try: one layer of saran wrap on barrel sprayed with PAM. Put 2 part epoxy where the barrel touches the wood and under the tang. Secure down with wedge pin and let it sit 24 hours. Lift barrel and remove saran wrap. This seems a lot more simplistic and readily available than a whole commercial bedding kit. What do you think? will it do the job? I don't know if it "needs" this, but over the years occasionally a group moves some or there is a day where the groups are much bigger than usual. I want to cut down or eliminate possible causes. Fire away ….
I use original jb weld. Just wax the parts as a release agent, give in 24 hours, smack them with a rubber mallet and they release nicely.
I have used Brownells Accuraglass since back in the 60's .Have never had any problems with it just have to be sure everything is coated with the release agent good.