supposed to get 10 to 20 inches of snow tonight.

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strong eagle

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2016
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supposed to get 10 to 20 inches of snow tonight.

wonderful beautiful day to day but she is going to cut loose soon. probably wont be cold but very heavy and wet snow. got a good wood pile on the deck several oil lamps if needed. longest, hardest winter in many many years. got my green onions planted yesterday. they will like the moisture. got the snow shovels next to the door. all trucks and cars with their noses pointed towards the road. let er rip.
Re: supposed to get 10 to 20 inches of snow tonight.

Calling for rain/snow for 2 days in a row. Mid 40's :evil: I'll be happy with rain and cooler temps but not snow and 40's.
Re: supposed to get 10 to 20 inches of snow tonight.

We got 4.6" of rain from Sunday thru Tuesday AM. 

My pasture, pond, and cows are happier now. April and May are two of our drier months then about halfway through June, it's thunderstorms in the afternoons about every other day ... unless we get a hurricane. Then all bets are off.  :Hide:
Re: supposed to get 10 to 20 inches of snow tonight.

4" of snow already and its coming down HARD. :no: Guess my food plot will like it. Along with every other tree in the forest lol. Ahhhhh just so damn difficult to stomach snow in april. Rain please!
Re: supposed to get 10 to 20 inches of snow tonight.

its really wet here, lots of water and wet snow. all around us they are really getting hit hard. everthing is closed, even the the 4 lanes. frontier, maybe we will get more wild fruit this year. the later they blume the better the chance of a good wild fruit crop. my willows are way way behind in greening up and starting to leaf out. they still look like mid winter. if anyone up this way wants to plant some willows go collect good strong stems and plant the cut end good and deep now. the buds will turn to roots and you get a clone of the mother tree. half of willows are planted this way. they need water so never let them dry out or plant them in a damp spot. golf courses are a good place to find a nice well established willow. again, cut good strong long green stems, they turn into nice trees. my onions and garlic will enjoy the wet snow.
Re: supposed to get 10 to 20 inches of snow tonight.

its really wet here, lots of water and wet snow. all around us they are really getting hit hard. everthing is closed, even the the 4 lanes. frontier, maybe we will get more wild fruit this year. the later they blume the better the chance of a good wild fruit crop. my willows are way way behind in greening up and starting to leaf out. they still look like mid winter. if anyone up this way wants to plant some willows go collect good strong stems and plant the cut end good and deep now. the buds will turn to roots and you get a clone of the mother tree. half of willows are planted this way. they need water so never let them dry out or plant them in a damp spot. golf courses are a good place to find a nice well established willow. again, cut good strong long green stems, they turn into nice trees. my onions and garlic will enjoy the wet snow.
Re: supposed to get 10 to 20 inches of snow tonight.

It was 82deg here yesterday and about the same temp today, but we have storms on tap for tomorrow.  The weather Gurus say to expect heavy rain, winds up to 70mph, hail and tornadoes.  I think I would gladly swap all of that for your snow!  OH, and we're supposed to have frost again next week.
Re: supposed to get 10 to 20 inches of snow tonight.

i said let er rip and she is doing just that. wood is in the house, lamps and matches out and may sleep on the livingroom floor this night so if we loose power again i can start up the stove. couldnt walk to the mail box if i wanted to. the out side cat is holed up in a shed, he wont come out until this is over. got a full gallon of table wine to warm me. it is really wet out their in this high desert.
Re: supposed to get 10 to 20 inches of snow tonight.

I'm delaying my trip to Missouri Turkey hunting a few days due to the weather.  We're supposed to get 6"-12" of snow on top of rain.  I'm not heading out until roads are good.  I think "most" Minnesotans are completely disgusted with this never ending winter which left us snow covered since November 1st.  I'm ready to move to warmer climates but my wife, "surprisingly", doesn't always agree with me   :shock:
Re: supposed to get 10 to 20 inches of snow tonight.

smokin joe. i love your country but only from late spring to mid fall. no better place on earth. this winter we almost had a minn winter. moved here to get away from that. living up north in the summer and back to arz. for the rest of the years is the ideal thing to do. HOWEVER, we are looking at hotsprings s.dak in a couple of years. its in a deep long beautiful canyon with a small fast stream river running through the middle of it that comes out of a hot spring heated by magma not too far down. the wind never ever gets in that canyon, and you never get tired of the beauty. it might be a good alternative for us. do love the bermidji though, nothing like a minn. lake. my daughter and son in law live on a lake all summer as they have teachers vacation from the fargo area, they wouldnt move from that for anything. they and their little dog litterly live on the water almost every day.
Re: supposed to get 10 to 20 inches of snow tonight.

strong eagle, 
I don't know where you live in Nebraska? but I always liked the area around Valentine. Lots of game animals and birds. I made a trip near Valentine one year just to hunt prairie chickens, sharptails and ducks. I didn't do that good because I went in alone and blind. It took me 3 or 4 days to orient myself to where the birds were and by then I had to drive back.

However, I would never want to spend a winter there.
Re: supposed to get 10 to 20 inches of snow tonight.

From about mid-morning Saturday and ending early yesterday morning I recorded 3.54" of rain with 5.22" being recorded just a few miles north of me.  Then to top things off we got up this morning to 31deg and freezing rain.  My son informed me that instead of it being April 16 it was actually January 106 :face:
Re: supposed to get 10 to 20 inches of snow tonight.

Still have a fire going here in Missouri, supposed to be in the 70's tomorrow.
