Toot my first deer with a ML yesterday

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Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2008
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My son and I were hunting mule deer does just off the N Saskatchewan river. In an earn a buck program. Turn in two doe heads and you can purcase a buck tag. Each of us can do this twice.
Took a hike on the river bank to scare something up. An hour later I am stripping off all my camo as it was 70 above. Normally 55 is the high at this time of the year. Did not scare anything up so we headed to another area on the river bank. Quickly found a deer there. It was in high willows and once I determined that it was a doe, I let the 250 sst fly. Off hand 75 yard shot to the neck. Dropped her where she stood.
Three hours later we spotted another doe. Nice easy 100 yard shot so took aim with an off hand shot and sqeezed the trigger. I heard a click and a half second later boom. Hang fire. This was the third shot I had taken yesterday, so this was a real surprise to me and it threw me off my shot. I have never had a hangfire using Blackhorn before and had just cleaned the rifle quite well a week ago, including cleaning out the breach plug.
I've notice the breachplug carboning up quite a lot using W209 primers. I used a 1/8 inch bit and some foaming cleaner on the plug the last time I cleaned it. Is there something I should be doing to the flash hole also to ensure it is clean.? Any suggestions would be appreciated to avoid another hangfire.[/img][/b]
My final touches to a plug are a fine wire through the flash hole, a quick flush with alcohol, and then hit the entire unit with compressed air. Visual inspection when looking through the plug from the primer end should show a nice, round hole at the other (held to light).
Way to go benaman! If your like me, after your first kill its almost addicting and you just have to go at it again! I too got my first MZ kill Sat. It was a fairly nice buck for these parts of SC and hunting WMA's. I'd sure like to hunt up in your neck of the woods one of these days!