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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2012
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0's been years since we've had an old fashioned Michigan winter & this one really sucks! It has just kept coming  in large amounts with lots of wind & it's so deep at the club I can't walk down the range, now to top it off I've been as sick as I've ever been & this is day 7!! Before you say it.....yes, I got a flu shot. WINTER SUCKS!!
Im darn near stripping down to a t shirt here in SOCO!

The flu sucks! Its been a while since i've had it but even then, its just horrible to deal with. Try some Mucenex that really helps me out.
I've been taking the DM right along. I know people that got this in January & they're still fighting it. I wish you'd send us some of that weather Jon!!!
Sorry to hear your a little under the weather and your right, this weather just doesn't stop. It's been a while since we had a winter like this. Well I hope your better. We both have to get to the range soon.
Their calling for better weather coming next week.  :cheers: 

Take care,
Ray......... :thumbs up:
hawgslayer said:
Sorry to hear your a little under the weather and your right, this weather just doesn't stop. It's been a while since we had a winter like this. Well I hope your better. We both have to get to the range soon.
Their calling for better weather coming next week.  :cheers: 

Take care,
Ray......... :thumbs up:
Thanks buddy! I really need to burn some powder  :shooter:
We've had two weeks of winter here in Kansas(12" of snow in the last week) but by the end of the week we are back in the 60's. We have been going up and down but more up then down. My family back in Indiana is tired of winter too. 
I hope you start feeling better and can get to the range. I enjoy your reports.
This strain of flu is killing healthy young people more than old codgers. They say it's because it's related to a strain that hit 40+ years ago and us old farts have some immunity to it since we were exposed before.

We had 6 straight days of cold drizzle and heavy cloud cover that blocked out the sun. I was depressed big time and going nuts because I couldn't get outside.

I don't know how y'all put up with months of that crap. I have to see the sun shine at least every other day or I go bonkers.

I'm going hog hunting on Friday ... unless it rains.
At my house this morning it was -3 DEGREES F at 6:30 a.m. here in Massachusetts.

It's +5* this morning in Chicago but it's going up to mid 20's  :cheers:  :cheers:  :cheers: I checked the weather forecast for the month for Chicago and Bristol, WI were I go shooting and according to ACCU WEATHER it's supposed to get into the mid to upper 30's to mid 40's  :!:  :!:  :!:  :!:  :!: I HOPE SO :thumbs up: ....Gotta try out my Hawken  :shooter: 

Ray............. :hats off:
Your warm up is headed this way tomorrow & Accuweather has a high of 50 next Friday  :D  :D  :D  :D
After today the high doesn't drop below 50 until the 22nd. But the winds are all upper teens and higher too. 
I hope to be able to hit the range.
If you guys send me a self addressed bucket i'll send you some warm...very warm weather, we have too much going around !

I can deal with the cold weather but not when you get 60"s of snow with it. Nothing is melting. Its all frozen. That's what I hate.
Right now it's 14 degrees. It just may hit mid 20's. I hate to see the gas bill when it arrives :(  :cry: 

Ray......... :thumbs up:
Yes, all the snow and is is a pain, but personally i'll take it over heat and humidity. I hate that with a passion.
Living at 8000ft in the Rockies is not someplace you expect to be sweating. I wish that was true, but summer is not my favorite time here.
I love winter. Don't like all the snow at once but a little bit every week or so is perfect. 17 lions this winter and 2 1/2 months to go.
:evil:  :twisted: 
3 TO 6"s more snow coming today  :affraid:  :affraid:  I HATE IT  :!:  :!:  :!:  :!: 

Ray............... :(  :cry:
hawgslayer said:
:evil:  :twisted: 
3 TO 6"s more snow coming today  :affraid:  :affraid:  I HATE IT  :!:  :!:  :!:  :!: 

Ray............... :(  :cry:
Yeah, we're supposed to get up to 7 inches. It has been coming down really hard. At our Exit there is a 40 vehicle pile up on I-94, with 20 of them being semi's. 6 people injured so far. It happened at 5:30 & the highway is stilll shut down.

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