My Boys Iowa Bow Season 2016

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Aug 29, 2009
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Took my boys out for some bowhunting the past few days. I do a lot of ground hunting but got busted numerous times and said enough of this, time to break out the treestands :( I don't like sitting in them but my boys do.

My 17yr old didn't care if it was a buck or doe, he just wanted to sit for a bit and shoot whatever gave him a good shot. He got a nice doe after a couple of hours hunting in the morning.

My oldest boy was waiting for a buck and one finally gave him a shot on his last day of hunting before he had to head back to work.

Always a special time hunting with the kids :D


Very nice deer there men. Congratulations on the hunt.
Congrads to both young men on taking 2 fine deer! :yeah:

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