Cold bore shot

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Sep 29, 2023
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I was having a conversation with Mt.Monkey and we agreed that the group might benefit from a process that I use to get ready to hunt.
This may not apply to some situations with barrels that shoot there cold bore shot into a group of subsequent shots..
What I have found is that there is substantial POI changes of barrels especially factory ones.
MY personal bench mark is 5 shots in a group from a warmed up gun to shoot 1/2 half inch center to center.
I just can't carry it to the field with confidence otherwise.
Load development sighting in etc are completed over the preseason.
Here is where it gets interesting and my situation is very unique in that I can walk to my shooting bench from my door.
One I have settled on a combination I must determine my velocity as close to the conditions I will make my shot.
So over a 3 or 4 day period I'll shoot 2 or 3 shots per day to get an average of 10 to 12 shots on a string.
Some in the morning some in the middle of the day. Of course you record your velocity and temps per session separately to enter into your balistics model . I use applied ballistics
After a few days you get an idea of any temperature variations. In a 20 to 30 degree swing.
If it's to much the load is scrapped and you try another powder.
I am sure this applies to smokeless muzzleloading but I must confess I've mainly concentrated on cartridge rifles with this method.
What I'm looking for is a consistent velocity with single digit SDs and ESs in the teens max.
With this I'm confident in one aspect of the balistics model.
So velocity check.
Next comes the cold bore zero and cold shooter.
I'll hang a target at my zero distance 100 or 200 depending on the reticle and cartridge. On my muzzle loader 100.
Laser verified.
and shoot 1 round.
Pack up and do it again in the after noon.
Taking the target with me after a few days of this you start to see a group that may be vastly different than your pre established zero.
This is now your on demand cold bore you adjust your scope.
Come back latter 6 hours minimum and fire 1 round.
It should be dead center is you did every thing right.
I learned this method from people that make there living one cold bore shot to thr next.
It has served me well. Just last year I made a head shot on a coyote at 192 layered yards.20221116_081511.jpg
I intended to shoot him in the eye.....
He turned his head at the shot.
I hit him in the temple.right behind the ear20221116_081633.jpg
Lights out.
The point being as I get ready for the Georgia rifle season.
I'm confident that where I aim is where I'll hit.
Just rember 1 thing. Your balstics model is only as good as the information you put in.
If you do your work at 90 degrees and hunt at 50 your going to be scratching your head...
Velocity variation is the biggest reason for Unexsplained misses at distance.
I believe I'm lethal out to 500 yards because I prepare and practice out to those distances on a regular if not daily bases.
200 and 300 anyway.
I have to drive to get 500.
Food for though....
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Thank you so much for posting, I really think what you've said is one of the most important post on Modern Muzzleloader in a long time. Your comments make me analyze my own technique I appreciate that very much!
Thank you so much for posting, I really think what you've said is one of the most important post on Modern Muzzleloader in a long time. Your comments make me analyze my own technique I appreciate that very much!
Thank you for your kind words sir.
. I think that as a group of hunters we are the classic case for this model of detailed preparation.
The reality in most situations we are only going to get one shot on game.
More so with the reloading process we deal with.
I personally use the sig bdx rangefinding binoculars with applied Ballistics inbeded. Once set up and calibrated you get a firing solution in the heads up display.
Has made it possible with the right reticle to spot range and fire without the twist of a knob I just shoot of the wires..
It was part of my progression towards preparedness.
I'm on the hillside on the backside of nowhere so excited I went off and left my rattling horns in my grunt call in my truck
You are right last night is the first night in my life that I've actually slept the night before deer season the only reason I slept is because I've been putting in 8 to 15 miles a day for the last seven or eight days scouting and working in the woods to get ready for hunting I'm huntingdale Ouachita National Forest million Acres it's a stalking walking primitive Hunters dream but it's rough country
Back to the topic I do a part of my shooting very similar to what you're talking about but in a much cruder sense I shoot two shots and put the gun up in a day or two later I shoot two shots and put the gun up or I shoot another gun I'm always looking for Two Shots touching it's kind of a mantra of mine the reason why I add that second shot it's just the reality that for about 90% of the time in a hunting situation you might get a second shot off if you happen to hit a deer and didn't kill him but many times you're not going to get much more than that I'm a simplest and I get back to the basics I really like your approach and again I think it's very practical for muzzleloading loading whether it's two shots or just one the cold barrel shot is everything whether the barrel has had a foul shot if needed or not I know there's other issues to consider but but first shot is everything.!
I may have to add that as a practical hunting what if challenge to see how long it takes and what my on demsnd chances of a hit is in a real world situation.
Muzzle loader practical shooting modeling.
A novel concept of situational staging to sharpen skills.
Simply brilliant!
A new sport we can call it MLPSA
You are right last night is the first night in my life that I've actually slept the night before deer season the only reason I slept is because I've been putting in 8 to 15 miles a day for the last seven or eight days scouting and working in the woods to get ready for hunting I'm huntingdale Ouachita National Forest million Acres it's a stalking walking primitive Hunters dream but it's rough country
Good luck! Sounds like a great adventure- looking forward to hearing more!

This is a great thread & thanks for taking the time GA!
One thing that I do to finish off my prep is to get in my hunting blind and make a shot . In the attached pic thr big round is at 186 yards.the 20230923_081134.jpgreset small target at 208 yards.
I pic odd ranges to check the accuracy of the model.
This year I'm using a bog tripod.
I want to simulate the situation as close as possible. Most deer I see are in that window.

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