Heading to Missouri Saturday

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Smokin' Joe

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Packing today getting ready for my turkey hunting trip to Missouri.  Each spring I get so excited that my complexion even changes.  I took this "selfie" this morning.  My "snood" gets droopy and my "caruncles" get beat red.  I hate when that happens!  :D

Hmmm....I'd bet I could shoot his eye out....with a PRB!! :Salute: :ttups:

Missouri is the "Show Me" state so we expect photos to "show me (us)" your success.

Good luck.
Thanks I need all the luck I can get! Even with all my gear and trickery, their brain, which is the size of a pea, still out wits me most of the time.

Is that jake tail fan from one you killed?

Also, I firmly believe from observation that turkeys are among the most stupid animals in existence. They are just extremely spooky and everything scares them.
Yes I shot the jake a few years ago.  As far as being dumb....When they are "not" being shot at, turkeys seem a lot more gullible, like, in-town, on private farms or non-pressured areas, true.  However, IMO they are a very "quick" study.  Pressured turkeys on public hunting grounds become decoy shy very quick and yes are lot more weary or spooky.  They tend to hang up more.  They would rather wait for the hen to go to him, which is the natural order, versus rush in to a call from a hunter.
Once I knew an 'Old Timer'....that put the turkeys intelligence like onto this:

"A deer sees a man and thinks it's a stump.....a turkey sees a stump....and thinks it's a man!"

But I still say after six decades of hunting whitetail deer that there's nothing smarter or more leery than a whitetail doe with a couple of yearlings or an OLD whitetail buck!! The main thing that gets old bucks into trouble....is the same thing that gets men into trouble!!  :affraid: :2 cents:
I give bears the credit for being the smartest and with the best senses. Well, two out of three. Hard to beat their hearing and nose.

Read a research paper on the Brown Bear a couple years back and it was stated that a Brownie could smell an elk kill from ten miles distance, depending upon the environmental conditions!

I have no doubts!!
Yes, it's impossible to beat a bears nose. Play the wind, or he's gone. They're pretty smart about keeping me upwind too.

Damn bears!
good luck on that turkey hunting trip in Missouri.  And I would have to agree on the Whitetail doe and turkeys being smart, bit I haven't never hunted a bear.
Marty said:
Good luck hunting those long-beards 'Joe!

p..s.  I've found turkeys to cover both extremes of the wariness spectrum.  Urbanized turkeys generally being the less wary... where hunting turkeys in the mountains of Pennsylvania had me toting for my over and under .22 Magnum rifle.
Joe..have a safe trip and have a good hunt and bring back the big Tom...

Thanks guys... I am holding off for just few days.  Sharpsman brought it to my attention that a huge front is moving through and with it a bunch of rain. I'm going to look at the weather again on Sunday and make the call as to when I'm leaving.

Well?? You gone? Going??

As it turns out all of the krap that's been coming up out of Texas weather-wise turned northeastward and is missing most of Missouri! Dang certain wetting us down in NE Louisiana though!! :( :affraid: :Hide: