a fun trivia question for every one.

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strong eagle

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2016
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a fun trivia question for every one.

please dont look up the answer to keep it fun. i will post the answer in a couple of days. what country eats the most pizza per person in one year in the whole world? i also have other triva fun questions if this one gets a good response.
Re: a fun trivia question for every one.

China .. because it has the most people.
Re: a fun trivia question for every one.

We have more college students. I'm going with the USA!
Re: a fun trivia question for every one.

you wont believe it but norway eats more pizza per person than any other country in the world.
Re: a fun trivia question for every one.

Norway was my second guess!
Re: a fun trivia question for every one.

they must be starved for something other than fish.
Re: a fun trivia question for every one.

Old Smoke said:
Norway was my second guess!
Saw this a while back on TV, your correct it's Norway. The country of Norway consumes the most pizza – about 11 pies per person per year of any nation on Earth.  :confused:
Re: a fun trivia question for every one.

strong eagle said:
they must be starved for something other than fish.
I have a pair of good shooter friends that are from Norway, they eat some kind of fish every meal prepared in different dishes. Maybe that's why they talk funny ?? :?: 

Health wise they have the highest numbers in the good range and lowest numbers in the bad range that they have been tested on. Their numbers are off the charts in both readings and have been checked a number of times, same readings year after year.  

They wouldn't eat anything that's grown above ground only vegetables grown under the surface??? 

Doctors are still scratching their heads over these two guys.   :confused:
Re: a fun trivia question for every one.

my father and family are from norway. the first 7 years of my life was in a farming and ranching area where every one was from norway. when we went to town to shop on friday evenings every one spoke the norway language. i still have a lot of those words in my head. i never thought they talked funny but your right they do. i can talk that same way when i get wound up. yest like do old timers, ya sure. you want to know where they all live, yest follow the snoose cans and you will find them. when i was young i ate a lot of dried cod. goot stuff, ya sure. two things that norway did during WW2. they never gave up their jews, only in the beginning a couple, then no more. and the best thing they did when the war ended, with in a week after the war was over every one who sided with the germans was dead. they all vent for a little walk in the woods from which they never came back from. when my daughter in law a couple years ago visited her cousins in norway they were all sitting on a deck drinking beer. with them was a very old man. a man about my age walked by and this very old man said. we let that one go as he was just a small boy at the end of the war. we shot every other member of his family and he is the only one left. his family was tight with the germans. my mother is french and other things. i look like her. i was the only kid in that community with dark hair and olive colored skin. when i went to a little country school house all the kids were my cousins. they were all blond and i wasnt. we didnt know the difference until we got older. even the books in our church were of two languages. my wifes grandfather earned his citizenship by coming to america and joining the army to go back to europe and fight the germans in WW1. he made it back alive and learned english in the army. saw a lot of action. become a very good farmer and died a well made man in america. 80 percent of all the people who came here from norway were saami. my grandmother was saami. sammi are a mixture of asian and viking blood. we have a lot of high cheek bones and slat eyes in our family. we are very proud of that. i am distant cousin to james arness the actor of gun smoke. his great grand father and my great grand father were cousins. our name was urness. my great grand father changed it to johnson and james changed his to arness. he looks very nordic, i dont. his great grand father settled in st. paul minn. mine become a cowboy in the sandhills of n.dak. the accordian player for lawrence welk was a 3rd cousin of our also. people of norway get around. so much for all of that.
Re: a fun trivia question for every one.

"the accordian player for lawrence welk was a 3rd cousin of our also."

Myron Floren was his name. 


My wife's family were big fans of Lawrence Welk. I never cared for the show especially the Irish tenor. I hate Irish tenors.
I was more of a Gunsmoke fan not Lawrence Welk.
Re: a fun trivia question for every one.

yep, thats my 3rd cousin. james arness couldnt be built more different than me than anything. he was true nordic, down to even his nose. my wifes grandfather looked a lot like him. my wife and i think that we may be 5th or so cousins on the nordic side. it sounds strange but we have a lot of family names in common. who can keep track.