Bore Rust Frustration

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Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2014
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I own two blued Knights, an American and an MK-85. I bought both of these used. The exteriors are in good shape. On both, I always get rust on the patch after and in-between cleanings. I've tried everything I can think of, repeated cleanings, steel wool, and bore paste. I am using a quality oil to protect the bore. Anything else I should be trying. I've tried to live with it, but it bugs me. I haven't had these issues with my stainless Knights, once I got them cleaned up the patches come out white. Thanks as always.

It seems that all metals oxidize at different rates, Gold, silver, copper, aluminum, stainless steel, carbon steel. Maybe, it’s just a natural occurrence. I’ve had the same problem as yours, and I run an oiled patch thru the bore occasionally.
Something in there is still rusty or rusting... Maybe one of the bore scopes that hook up via USB to your computer and take a look, and then targeted cleaning?
Have you tried a new bore brush? Most older brushes will retain or show rust from repeated use. Use a larger brush than the caliber. (.54 in .50) Try a new one an see if that helps.
Also it could be bore butter from previous owner use, leaching out of the rifling/pores in metal.
If you are using real black powder, or a substitute like pyrodex, 3-7, ect,. AND putting your gun in a metal or plastic case. That is probably your problem. Stick your gun in a sock instead, or leave it out in the open.
The nitrates in Black Powder and the substitutes corrode metal in the same way fertilizer corrodes Farm machinery. However, they are water soluble.

Some people use water to flush out the barrel (some in the shower) and then put a good coat of oil or grease on it, after it is thoroughly dried.

Any nitrate residue left on metal has a tendency to absorb moisture from the air and produce corrosion. A good coat of grease can help reduce this effect.
I also heard that using very hot water will produce flash rust. Since I just use cold or warm water with Dawn soap I haven't experienced flash rust. I also make sure which I'm sure you do as well, ensure the bore is dry and oil it well.
Since getting a borescope I've found that some oils don't protect the bore and chamber very well.
I swab my blued barrels with rubbing alcohol after the primary cleaning. Usually use a 25/75 mix of Ballistol and water. Or, if I don't feel like smelling a combo of licorice and unwashed crotch... windshield washer fluid.
The alcohol evaporates quickly ( I do dry patch too) and it takes residual moisture with it. I then swab with Hoppes #9. You'd be surprised how this gets stuff out of a clean barrel, after a day.
Once I'm convinced she's clean, I give her a good dose of good gun oil. I check on the bore every couple days with an oil patch. Orange is very uncommon.
In my experience, rust is yellow/orange. Brown in extreme cases. Oxidized lube is brown. Once got a .45 Hawken that patched almost chocolate. Great... But it patched smoothly?
Gave it a good cleaning and the bore was a rolled up mirror.
The previous owner slathered it up.
With Bore Butter.
I swab my blued barrels with rubbing alcohol after the primary cleaning. Usually use a 25/75 mix of Ballistol and water. Or, if I don't feel like smelling a combo of licorice and unwashed crotch... windshield washer fluid.
The alcohol evaporates quickly ( I do dry patch too) and it takes residual moisture with it. I then swab with Hoppes #9. You'd be surprised how this gets stuff out of a clean barrel, after a day.
Once I'm convinced she's clean, I give her a good dose of good gun oil. I check on the bore every couple days with an oil patch. Orange is very uncommon.
In my experience, rust is yellow/orange. Brown in extreme cases. Oxidized lube is brown. Once got a .45 Hawken that patched almost chocolate. Great... But it patched smoothly?
Gave it a good cleaning and the bore was a rolled up mirror.
The previous owner slathered it up.
With Bore Butter.
One word: “Ballistol”. After I finish the cleaning, I use the aerosol, straight mixing.