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Weird guns.... They have been around for quite some time now...
You would think Chuck might have one by now....he can't be stopped, you know!! :)
If I rememeber correctly, they are fairly expensive and a fairly long wait time. But... are probably more realistic for everyday use than a Bad Bull. Someone on the green board is having one made. For less money you can get a Savage and custom barrel if you so wish for less than a grand.
Spitpatch said:
You would think Chuck might have one by now....he can't be stopped, you know!! :)

You are RIGHT! :lol: But JJ has always been right there with me! He has the habit of buying in lots of twos and threes! :D

I have THOUGHT of the Swinglock some...but basically the WEIGHT of the thing, the strange method of PRIMING the thing, and the fact that it would have to in some way BETTER a NULA or Savage 10ML-II has kept me at bay...
Very interesting rifles. And some amazing accuracy from what they claim. Now do I understand that it shoots conicals? Also smokeless, so it is basically a custom smokeless rifle...

What makes this better then say the Savage?

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