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strong eagle

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2016
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it is still here. my wife still works on the pine ridge reservation in health care. her close friend is a native american registered nurse. this lady has a nephew who is a very good high school basketball player. the pine ridge team went to the finals in rapid city s.dak. so when the team got their for their games and all their family and friends came to watch them this is what happened. when they got to the arena as the natives came in to the arena they were told they could only sit in one section together and no where else. then a dozen security guards that are white stood in a row in front of them and their was no security guards standing in front of the white section. one of my wifes friends who looks more eastern european than native and has a doctors degree in nursing came in she was refused sitting anywheres except this one native section with all the guards around them. what a insult. would you put up with this. try walking in a natives shoes for a while, you would be fighting mad. some of the highly educated natives at the hospital make 150 thousand dollars a year and are still run though the mill when they shop in rapid city as to their credit and ability to buy with out a hassel. i my self who looks like a mixed blood has been told to produce to produce every form of ID as i go through the check out at wall mart and all the really white people before me and after me dont have to do this. try going in a big store and be native or look a little native and not have someone follow you every wheres in that store while your in their. would you like that? the last time i checked we had 10,000 dollars in our checking account and they still give me ****. if im with one of my grand children whose mother is native and their father is a cop ( my son) and they pull this **** on them im going to bring the house down on the jerks. one has to be loyal to their family. i will call the cops on them and see what they say about that. just wanted to tell every one what is going on in this USA, its not equal for every one. one of my native friends did three tours in vietnam. he has at least 50 varified kills with way more unvarified kills. he was a xray tech at the hospital untill he retired. should he be treated like this. they also threw popcorn and beer on the natives at rapid city and nothing was done to the whites who did that. could you hold your temper? let me know what you all think of this crap.
This area is better. I've gone everywhere with my Lakota friend and not seen any bias. It's not because he doesn't look like a Lakota either. He looks just like Red Cloud. (picture) Long hair and all.

thanks for the post, ive taken care of a lot of the redcloud family when i worked at home health on the rez. my wife has also and still does. oliver, the family head, just died with in the last year. even though their is still a lot of redclouds left, oliver was the last politically active one. it is interesting that on the picture you posted of the original red cloud, he is wearing a breast plate from the crow tribe. his hair is sioux but again the breast plate is crow. he may have taken it off of a crow warrior in battle. he did fight the crow alot.
Not sure if my friend is related to the Red Cloud family. He does have the look though. He's been in a lot of movies as an extra because of his look.

He's a real nice guy. Real friendly until you get him mad. Then his aggressive side shows up fast. I watched him wipe a guy out for saying, squaw. He told me that's like calling her a whore.
I was visiting a friend in Tucson, and when he and his wife got out of my truck ahead of me on their way into a restaurant three skin-head types in a pickup flying a rebel flag skidded to a stop and jumped out to confront them.  "Get out of our country!  Go back where you came from!" Etc,etc, etc. They hopped back into their truck and fled when I came out of my own with a Louisville Slugger.

Funny part is, my bud is Navajo/Crow and his wife is Pueblo.  Bud's father was a code talker in WWII and he himslef served with distinction as a scout in Vietnam, and his wife is president of her pueblo.

Idiots are out there.
russel means was from the rose bud. he was always trying to get elected to be president of the pine ridge tribe. they never ever went for it. he did not do well on the pine ridge. i dont know what they thought of him at the rose bud. i knew his first cousin and she was just as out spoken as he was. she liked me as i never gave her any trouble. when she walked into the clinic she would always in a loud voice say, hi roger and i knew what that ment. i put her chart infront of everyones as if i didnt their would be hell to pay as she would go right to the SUD in charge of the hosp and she would threaten all kinds of law suits. we let people like her git away with that as if you dint the following grief wasnt worth it. she did like me though. she also has passed. i got to know a lot a actors that where in a lot of old west movies. two old nurses in their 80/s now was with with clark gable in a old western. the little fat indian in dances with wolves is now a tall huge cop on the rez. for every bodys info. if you run across a souix with the last name of steel, they decend from buffalo bill cody. if you run across the name of yellow bird in a souix they are a direct decendent of custer. the decendents of crazy horse are few and dont live on the rez. for some reason they dont want anything to do with the tribe. the two i know are doctors and very good ones. every one knows who they are but they dont advertise it. if you ever run across the name white bull in a souix, that is almost and really is sacred to the souix and even many other tribes. white bull is the one who really killed custer and every one knows the real truth on all reservations about white bull. he lived to be about 110 and as a young person i remember when he died. he fought custer hand to hand and even told his buddies, help me this guy is tough. they all said, your doing all right. he finally killed custer but the truth is custer died very hard. custer was starting to be cut up but the squaws stopped the warriors as they told them, he has children living with us, we cant touch him any more. the most respected white to die in that fight by the natives was a older left over from the civil war. he calmly fought to the end in a very brave way and killed a lot of indians. the indians had great respect for him and told his story so it is still on the rez to day. they also said custer fought hard hand to hand at the end. my favorite native name on the rez is kills crow indians. i would always tease that family about it, i would say you had better never go to billing mont as the whole town is full of crow indians. they would laugh and laugh. natives have a good sense of humor and love to laugh. sitting bull father died fight the a enemy tribe. he had such a bad tooth ache that he decided to die in a good fight. he rode to a enemy camp and when they got up in the morning he was standing on a blanket at the edge of the camp. they fought him one at a time and he killed several of them and at last a warrior killed him. all over a bad tooth ache. their you are some inside talk from the rez.
I was dumb enough to let a couple of kids live in an old fruit cellar - 5,000 sq. ft. on our property, they were from the Blackfeet Nation, last name 'Blackbull'.  They started making Indian craft items, nice work, brain tanning deer and elk hides. Taking lots of orders from all over. 

One day I found a pair of beaded mocs tied on a log in my lower pasture creek. Went to where they had setup living quarters and ask about my find. "Just aging" was the response. 

A year later we were at a museum in Denver and we see the same mocs in a display marked as coming from the Blackfeet tribe in MT about 1900. I ask to talk to the director of the museum and told him about these mocs on display, he showed me several other items purchased from the Blackbull brothers. Several I knew as being made within the last year at my place, then disappeared (mystery solved). Found out later that many of the small and a few large museums had made purchases.

I got home that evening and stopped to see the brothers, told them they had a month to cleanup their mess in the building, then move on their welcome has been exhausted. They moved on within a week and I had to take my backhoe in the building and pull out rotted deer, elk and cow hides that had never been touched for tanning, several 55 gallon barrels of brains used for tanning and lots of animal parts. Then dig a large 6 foot deep hole to bury this stuff. Found dozens of started projects in the cleanup that were sold to a local craftsman to finish with a few items coming back to me.

These guys were your long lost brothers when not drinking, when drunk they hated you and your friends (true colors were shown). Last I heard of them one was killed in a knife fight in Browning MT, the other died in a rest home in NJ.   :thumb down:
My buds full name is Tall Soldier. He's named after his grandfather or great-grandfather who fought in the Little Big Horn battle. Ever hear of him?

I researched it best I can and couldn't find anything. His people are in So Dakota.
" Last I heard of them one was killed in a knife fight in Browning MT,"

One of my brothers lived in Missoula for years and now lives in Helena. He told me that Browning, MT was a town that had one of the highest homicide rates in MT. It's the home of the Bloods and he said they get drunk and want to kill everybody.

His friend was a Flathead who wouldn't go near Browning.
Do you mean a branch of the Bloods? I know the Bloods and Crips started in LA.
the bloods are the real name of the blackfoot. they are the one tribe that kept the sioux at bay. their were even more blackfoot that sioux. if you go through their town you will find that their are no bathrooms for the public. they have wrecked them all and they are all boarded up. their are good people and bad on any rez. some rezs are a lot better than others. their is even a more dangerous place than mentioned above. their is a bar on the crow rez that is the most dangerous bar in america.more have died in that bar than anyother bar in america. the most friendly rez is the turtle mountain chippawa cree. they are at belcourt n.dak. they are a 1/2 french chip cree mixture. a very hard working good looking people. like any place their is some bad their but it is small as compaired to every wheres else. they are the real tough ones in a fight. in 1858 they came out of the woods to hunt buffalo. their were 60 men and a bunch of women and many kids. the sioux caught them on the prairie. they fought two 4 hour battles that day. their were 2000 sioux. at the very end of it their was one of them dead and 400 sioux dead. the sioux never ever fought them again. the sioux said simply, they are too tough. they called them those indians that can grow beards. my daughter inlaw is a member of that tribe. many are way over 6 ft. tall. when i worked in the ER up their a 7 ft. tall cop who is a member of that tribe brought in a guy who was 5ft 8 inches tall who was drunk and fighting and needed to be checked out. he held him at arms length and the guy was kicking and yelling. it was like a mother cat with a nasty kitten. we all laughed and realized just how strong that cop was. i took care of a 17 year old male once up their with a infected big toe. he was 6 ft 6 and weighed 300 pounds and not fat at all. i said to him. you need to go to minniapolis and get in one of those pro wrestling schools when you get out of high school. he told me that is what he was going to do. i wonder if the army would even take a guy that big. the women up their are really scrappers. my wife and i used to go to alot of wedding dances on that rez. we had a lot of friends up their. never saw any men fight at those dances but saw women fight at every dance. they hit from the shoulder. one bit the lip off another women. they sewed it back on and the one who bit it off did one year for it. had a close friend up their who went to jail for several years twice as he couldnt resist a good fight. he was good with his fist and really strong. they took care of their own up their also out side of the law. two guys robbed a country store on the rez and badly beat up a 12 year old boy. he was reconized. the dad and uncles found that guy and beat him so bad that he is in a mental hospital for life. the murders are never solved up their as the bodies are never found. a friend told me, you wrap the body in chicken wire with bricks and thow the body in the swap which their are hundreds of up their. the leeches get at the body and no more body. besides no one can find a body in the hundreds of acres of swamp. bull rushes and willows. they are a good people but they take care of their own. i miss them also. they laugh all the time.
also i was wrong when i looked at red cloulds breast plate, it is sioux. the crows have a breast plate made with a half moon stung set of sagging beads. again i was wrong. the difference between the crows hair style and the sioux is the crow have the front of their hair in a raised curl sort of like superman. the black foot were called the bloods or pigans. their tribe was huge in the US but most of it was in canada. they were related to the chips in minn. of the same stock and background. the religion of the chips and pigans was very dark and filled with witch craft type of stuff.the sioux to their credit believed very strongly in a one true God much like the jews did.they may have got that from the mandans as the mandans believed in a one true God with a fallen and raised again God called lone man.this was about the son of God, christ. the trixter, was the devil. and he is a trixter. my friend Gerald one feather used to say to several times, i can figure out God but that other guy i cant figure him out(christ). God is called the grandfather spirit over every thing. the apaches have a very dark religion. they even were totaly afraid of twins. when twins arrived they only let one live.
the toughest indian another tribe could run into was the flatheads of montana. they werent very many so they are little known. they were hard pressed from all sides by other tribes. it is said that if the other tribes and all were at war with them run across a flathead alone out hunting the flat head would get off his horse and put a blanket on the ground and stand on it. it ment he wasnt going to run or move. the other tribe most often would bypass him as they knew it would be a lot of death on their side before they killed him. only they most skilled in fighting and the bravest would take on a lone flathead warrior. they also new if you stole something from a mandan warrior he was so stubborn that he would track you a 1000 miles if he had to to get you and get his stuff back. the mandans were often 7 ft tall. their tribe started a long time ago when 12 vikings and one german warrior stayed on the lower mississippi and mixed with a sioux type people. they were first generation catholics so the mandan religion is much like the catholics. they even have names like mangus among them which is nordic. the french met chiefs that were 7 ft. tall and very fair in skin color when they found them in the 1600/s. they also have long faces like the nordic people. they were very good farmers also. raised a lot of corn, beans and squash. they even had small watermelons that was traded from the south that came from the spanish. when i lived in their area i was these watermelons growing wild along the river banks i walked on to look for fishing holes to fish in. the flatheads and the mandans are little known but they both were a very interesting group.
Three of us were invited to Browning MT for their religious period "Holy Smokes", been there several times. We would make a week out of the event helping the Elders clean up a very large barn where they would dance, drums and talk about old times along with repairing broken items that were laying around. Man talk about bikes with flat tires, broken chains, ....  

I know personally that building was clean and nothing different than any other like it. But when the "Medicine Bundles" were brought in from Canada that area changed with them being there. (Chief Joseph had taken them to Canada as our government wanted them feeling it gave the Indians an edge from their Gods)

Us three whites sat there looking at each other wondering why the building changed, kind of spooky. When the drums were brought in, again the place felt different and there's only a dozen humans in the building. 

Then at the opening of the "Smokes" with 1,300 - 1,500 Native Americans and three white guys your on pins and needles. We could have disappeared in less than 60 seconds (like the movie). I still remember that feeling 20 years later. We had brought with us HBC blankets as gifts for the Elders which were presented at the "Smokes", didn't matter we still had that strange feeling even several days after being back in CO. 

Browning is a large gitto, slums type of place, lots of bars and trash.
around the remote parts of pine ridge their is palces where they dance with cord attached to the top of a tall pole. the cord is attached on the bottom end to a small sharply point stick. that is poked through a muscle on the chest of back. they then lean against the cord and dance until they pass out or the stick pulls out. in recent years the hosp at pine ridge provides disposable surgical knives so they can slit deep and fast then poke the stick in and under the muscle. white cant got to these dances and i would never go even if i could. one time my family and i went to a large lake up at the edge of the black hills. their is a unofficial beach for natives, they are not forced to go their but they do and not many whites do. we went their and no one bothered us as it was a very nice large sandy beach. what i did notice was all the young men were really scared up on their chest and backs. they are had gong through that dance. the purpose is to suffer and be washed of sins. also visions are sought. i would never disturb their religion but i see no need for it for me and my own. the son of God washed away my sins and the sins of my family. we are satisfied with that. if you ever go to devils tower in s.dak. you will see countless small bundles of cloth tied all around it in the trees. never ever touch those. the natives put them their for religious reasons. i may not agree with them on this point but i respect it and wont go near never or talk about any of this to them.
My Ex Wife is Full Blood Sioux, her family was Loggers here. Her Uncle was killed back in the '60's not far from here for being an Indian. The guys got away with it and told my Ex family they was going to do the same to the whole family.

I'm thinking them Guys had a set if they was picking on this family. They would beat the something out of you just for fun.
