Elk & 300 SST ?

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Well-Known Member
May 18, 2005
Reaction score
I am of the opinion that there are better bullets than 300 gr. SST for elk hunting, but I am curious to know if anyone has taken an elk with an SST and if so what they thought of the bullet's performance.

Best regards - Cob
Thanks Nic. The pictures and story are plenty convincing.
BR's Cob
Take a look at the Barnes bullets too, I have found them quite tough with very sharp pedals after opening.

I cant speak for the sst on Elk, I can however tell you how they performed on a 1200 lb bull moose. In the Fall of 2006, in Chapeau Quebec , I used my Encore backed with three 777 pellets pushing a 300 grain SST to take a 46" spread bull at 80 yards. One shot behind the shoulder just forward of last ribs on a hard quartering away shot (the moose saw me before I saw him and started making haste) The bull went
60 yards and piled up. The bullet entered where I was aiming, passed thru a rib, 1/2 inch of hide, the entire boiler room, and came to rest between the off side shoulder and body cavity. It did qite a bit of damage to both the organs and the bullet. I didnt weigh the recovered bullet and have since mis-placed it, but taking an educated quess, I would say it retained about 55% of its weight. It hit a rib going in, but thats the only bone it struck, but moose ribs are heavy. It did the job well, I see no reason to change other than the urge to always try something new.