Finally took my first buck with a muzzle loader

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Tiger Rag

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2006
Reaction score
I've taken several does over the years with my brothers T/C Encore (he's usually in Sasketchewan during the NC muzzleloader season). I finally broke down last year and bought a Savage 10 ML II. Took a doe last year with it and knocked her flat. She got up made it another 10 yards or so before she made her last steps.

Yesterday I had a hard, trying, hot, humid, East wind hunt. We don't get much East wind at 90 degrees or so I didn't want to take a chance of completely stinking up the place by using the climber. I chose a marginal fixed tripod that gave up half the field but gave me the best half. Long story short, at last light 2 good bucks came out and hit the same licking branch. They got into the peanut field, had a bite or two, then they locked horns and went at it. I ranged them at 168 yards. I knew there was a big mature 7 pointer and young 10 pointer from scouting. I thought that was who these 2 were. The smaller one looked like it had at least 10 points and this one was much bigger body wise. They sparred for a couple minutes and seperated. At that point I had the Savage up an crosshairs one the big bodied one's shoulder. It was much harder finding him with the Nikon Buckmasters scope than through the new Leica Geovids, but it did the job. I squeezed and he dropped right there. The 300 XTP's are devastating. He ended up not being the 7 pointer, but a mature 8. Not real heavy mass on his antlers and not real wide, but he weighed 210 lbs with his antlers still on the ground (can't winch him any higher). He's a pretty decent NC buck. Size is relative to where you hunt, but being my first buck with the ML, I am proud of him. I'm going to try and age him tomorrow, but I suspect at 210, he's probably about 4-1/2. A mature NC buck from what I've seen is around 180ish.



Good story and a nice deer....not many eastern NC deer make it to 210+ lbs and 4+ years. Sounds like y'all manage your herd well. Congrats.
Way to GO! You are one of the first ones to get a nice buck this year! Congratulations!
Thanks guys, I appreciate it. I'll get him aged today to find out for sure. I'm definitely curious and verifies what we try to do as land managers. I was surprised that he weighed 210. He is deceiving because he is pretty long and tall body wise. His antlers were still on the ground a little at the cleaning station when I weighed him. I didn't have enough room to get him all the way up. He may weigh just a little more, but he we mostly hanging.

Reelnellie, you are correct, not many Eastern NC deer get that big. I think this is our 9th year having this property. We do our best to thin the does and only shoot mature bucks. Property is Northern Edgecombe, county.

Doohan, it was 43 grains of AA5744, MMP short black sabot, and 300 grain Hornady XTP as prescribed to me by Henry and Bill Ball. Those guys also have a club in Eastern NC and shoot their deer out to 300+ yards if memory serves. Lots of long flat peanut and soybean fields so long distance firepower is a plus.
Nice buck and well told. Iowa's early muzzleloading season opens Saturday and you have gotten me pumped-up.

Best regards - Cob
Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. We're trying to grow bigger bucks than this, but he is a decent buck. It was hard at last light to not shoot a big bodied buck like this (big for NC anyway), especially with his tine length at broadside. By the way, I had him aged last night and he was only 3-1/2. I thought with that body size, he'd be at least 4-1/2. Anyway, he is a good first muzzleloader buck for me and I'm happy with him. He's going on my wall.

Forecast is looking good for last part of the week through the weekend. Lows in low 40's, highs in low 70's. Finally a little break from the 90's. I'm headed back down Wednesday night for the last 2 days of eastern muzzleloader and opening day of rifle on Saturday. Unfortunately, no hunting on Sunday in NC.
Thanks again fellas. He looked really good with that big body pushing that 10 pointer around. I'm still a little surprised he only aged at 3-1/2. I guess that's good that our genetics will support bigger bucks, just my judgement still needs a little adjusting. I passed one bigger than this during the rut last year at 40 yards. I could judge him pretty well at that distance and the rut was just starting. I had 2 on the wall similar to him so I decided to pass. This one ranks in there with those other two, so I'm not disappointed at all, just trying to let the 3-1/2's walk to become 4 to 5-1/2's.

Headed down in a few minutes to try and find this one's daddy.......well and maybe a couple of his girlfriends.
Ok, I've got to update. We did a scale check and it was off. Weighed one of the guys and it was about 25 lbs off or so. I didn't think this buck looked like it weighed 210, but that's what the scale said. We've got some that will push over 200 lbs, but this one wasn't one of them. He's about where I thought he would be 180-190. Still a pretty heavy NC buck.

Rut activity was starting yesterday. After 3 days of rain, the chasing started. Our neighbor shot a 125" or so buck. No one in our club shot except for one doe late. I'm headed down Monday and taking a few days off from work. It's centerfire rifle (has been for a couple weeks now), but I'll update any success.
That is a great buck in anyone's book. And a nice shot to boot. Way to go. These Savage Muzzle loaders really are impressive.
Ok, just a quick update as I just picked up my mount from the taxidermist.

I'm pleased with how he came out. It was pre rut so his neck wasn't swollen and therefore a smaller form. Other than that I'm happy to have his company on my wall.



This is my ML buck on the right beside probably my best NC buck (centerfire) on the left.

