Fitting a powder horn plug?

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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2008
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Whats the trick? I heated the end in boiling water and that sucker still have no give :lol:  All this crap I ever read online with powder horns and it just doesn't seem to work at making the horn soft enough to get into a round shape.
How hot is your water, how thick is the horn base? When I make a powder container I have the water boiling and have the horn cap pretty thin. I'm working with buffalo horn, what are you using Jonathan?  :Questuon:
cow horn. Looks like it was once fitted with a cap but I boiled water, soaked it and soaked it and nothing! I gave up on that project lol.
FrontierGander said:
cow horn. Looks like it was once fitted with a cap but I boiled water, soaked it and soaked it and nothing! I gave up on that project lol.
Cross it off, anyone down the tubes ...  :Questuon:
FrontierGander said:
Whats the trick? I heated the end in boiling water and that sucker still have no give :lol:  All this crap I ever read online with powder horns and it just doesn't seem to work at making the horn soft enough to get into a round shape.
Hi FrontierGander.
I know this is an old post, but I thought I'd add my $.02 Give up that hot water, use a heat gun. It's been said that "Horn is the Thermal Plastic of the 16th. century," it's true. Heat the entire edge and slowly keep working the cap into the opening. It WILL go in... I promise. Just did it yesterday (07-28-18) If you have a hard taper to your cap, the cap will not stay put, BUT it will conform to the shape of the cap once it's cooled. Then you just need to drill the peg holes, wet and insert the pegs, let them swell, sand them, and dip the whole cap in 50/50 mixture of melted paraffin and Bee's wax. Above all else DO NOT over heat and burn the edge of your horn, it's very easy to do!! Keep that heat gun moving.  If you overheat it, it'll have a tendency to crack when you push in the cap. If it's a lighter colored horn, it's easy to see if it's too hot. If you "burn" it it will turn light Brown, with Black it's a crap shoot. Just go easy and the cap will go in.

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