Hello from Arizona

Modern Muzzleloading Forum

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Nov 4, 2006
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What s great MZ forum, glad I stumbled on to it. My name is Daniel and I live in Tucson Arizona. At present I don`t own a MZ. I plan to decide which one to purchase and do so on Monday. I am looking forward to hanging out on Moderm Muzzleloader.

Welcome, nice to have you here. Might I recomment the Savage 10ML II. Will do wonders on some of the Arizona Elk :D
Hey Dan! Welcome to the forum!

I have BEEN to Tuscon before and went to the Tuscon Zoo! It was REALLY nice! I also went to Tombstone and LOVED it! Arizona is a beautiful state!

Welcome aboard, Dan'l. Never to been to AZ, but it won't be long. My little brother moved to Phoenix last year, and my squaw is having a fit to get out there to visit. I'm trying to persuade her to making the trip on the motorcycle, but I think that she's wanting to fly.

What flavor of MZ are you looking for, traditional or modern? Either way, it's loads of fun.
Thanks for the greetings guys. Arizona has some great year round riding weather. I ride a Bandit 1200S. We enjoy riding down through Bisbee/Tombstone.

I have decided to go modern. I am going to order a Savage 10MLSS-ll this morning. Largely cause of the performance and the cleaning/maintenance aspects.

thanks again for all the welcomes