I 'junked'....

Modern Muzzleloading Forum

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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Reaction score
another forum today! Seems as if they only wanted a blackpowder target shooting forum only and banned anything related to hunting! I guess I'm just a contrary old cuss that doesn't like being politically correct! :x :evil:
hmm that does not sound very fun.

A lot of traditional forums can be real hard asses though. They'll make huge issues over plastic sights or ramrods and its like.. ok... is that to hard for you to change out?

They'll ***** over a $400 replica that has some inletting (proud) issues, but when its on their $3000 custom long arm, thats called "Antiqued" :lol:
Isn't a white tail deer with head down, grazing in the grass a target?
A big, fat hog standing broadside to your stand is a target.


That sir....was my very thought at the time I was reading their rules!!
RonC said:
Isn't a white tail deer with head down, grazing in the grass a target?
A big, fat hog standing broadside to your stand is a target.

I suppose you could argue that it was dinner. 
That would mean the whole thread would be 
about cooking preparation and not muzzle loading. :lol:
RonC said:
Isn't a white tail deer with head down, grazing in the grass a target?
A big, fat hog standing broadside to your stand is a target.

I suppose you could argue that it was dinner. 
That would mean the whole thread would be 
about cooking preparation and not muzzle loading. :lol:

PS. Sorry about the double post. IDK how that happened. 
Sharpsman said:
another forum today! Seems as if they only wanted a blackpowder target shooting forum only and banned anything related to hunting! I guess I'm just a contrary old cuss that doesn't like being politically correct! :x :evil:
I call those fraternity :thumb down:  forums.
Marty said:
Sharpsman said:
another forum today! Seems as if they only wanted a blackpowder target shooting forum only and banned anything related to hunting! I guess I'm just a contrary old cuss that doesn't like being politically correct! :x :evil:
I call those fraternity :thumb down:  forums.  You need diversity.
Yeah, i've junked a couple forums too for the same reason.   On one i dared to talk of killing animals.  Got raked over the coals by guys who  shoot at targets and sit around fondling their  guns.
I can't count how many forums i've left. Jon is the same way. We seem to have a competition on who can leave the most forums.  :pirat:

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