Local Sand Pit Shut Down

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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2017
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Well the inevitable happened, The local Sand Pit (Shooting Pit) that i have been shooting at since i moved here 7 years ago is now Gated, Cement pillar anchored behind the Gate, And back a little farther they used a Back Hoe to Completely Destroy the Rd to insure no traffic, This place has been open to the public to shoot since the late 40s Early 50s i was told. I will definitely miss shooting there, it was a really convenient place located about 2 miles from my house. I can’t say as i blame them for shutting it down, i have been saying all along that it wouldn’t surprise me if they did due to People dumping their trash, Shooting TV’s up, Propane Cylinders, Washers and Dryers, etc. etc. (We have Dump sites all over up here, as a home owner you get 2 window stickers for 2 separate vehicles and can Dump your trash at MANY locations close by without charge) I moved here from the Wa Coast, that place was Amazing growing up as a kid, but i watched it change from a Great place, to a Horrible place, Before i moved Just About every Mountain Rd over there had been Gated off to the public with signs saying “No Motarized Vehicles of any kind” They even had Patrols behind the Gates on Dirt bikes, and 4wd Vehicles to catch people Trespassing (it’s a BIG BIG deal over there!!) Most of these Rd closures was due to Garbage being dumped in the Mountains, We moved here to North Idaho because this area reminded me very much of the Wa Coast back when i was little kid, But Sadly this place is right on the Heels of where we came from. People are their own worst enemies! I have tried explaining to some of these folks what I witnessed Growing up on the Wa Coast, but these people have never lived it, therefore they feel immune to it, that is until something like this happens, and it’s to late. Luckily most of our Mountain Rds are stil open to the Public, but who knows for how long? It sure is a Shame to see our public lands being locked away due to IDIOTS that abuse it

So sorry to hear that Lew! I know what it means as I lost hunting land cause guys refused to pickup their shotgun shells when they were dove hunting.
edmehlig said:
So sorry to hear that Lew! I know what it means as I lost hunting land cause guys refused to pickup their shotgun shells when they were dove hunting.

It’s truly a shame to see these places “Go Away” from A-Holes that don’t have a care in the world. No doubt you could fill a full size truck completely full of empty shotgun hulls at this pit. The County, and City Both have used this place as a Dumping Ground for Animals hit on the Rd, That has never made sense to me? I guess they have to put it somewhere? But it sure was unsightly that’s for sure! I have seen Critters dumped off here that made no sense whatsoever? The latest was a little Bull Moose, Whoever dumped it off had taken the time to Completely Skin him out, But didn’t take any of the meat??? Why would someone go to the trouble of skinning an Animal like this little Moose, but not take the meat? As an Avid hunter my entire life this sorta thing makes my blood boil! I love where i live, But i have never seen more Idiots in my life
That would have me on the war path with the Co, State and DNR persons to find who did this, and then leave them in much the same way. Stuff like this gives every one that hunts a big black eye. If I found someone pulling a stunt like this I'd leave the sob as a capon.
MrTom said:
That would have me on the war path with the Co, State and DNR persons to find who did this, and then leave them in much the same way. Stuff like this gives every one that hunts a big black eye. If I found someone pulling a stunt like this I'd leave the sob as a capon.

Like i said above, The County and City have used this Place as a Dumping Ground for road kill for as long as I have lived here (7 years for me now) And I’m sure it’s been a lot longer than that. There are a TON of critters that get hit on the highways here, and this Sand pit was 1 of the places they used to Dump them off. They HAD to of known about this moose, they are in and out of this place weekly. I have seen several moose, a few Elk, TONS of deer, and even Bear dumped off here. The thing that gets me on this little bull moose is whoever dumped him had taken the time to Skin him out, but not take any of the Meat? Had it been Rotten I can’t imagine someone skinning it? It’s possible that the Game Dept had found it dead somewhere, and skinned it out looking for Bullet holes? That is the only plausible thing i can think of? This same Pit a year or 2 ago I seen 2 whole deer that had been Skinned, and even Quartered, Everything was in Garbage Bags and had been dumped off. I have seen more Waste here than 1 can begin to imagine.

I have tried explaining to a few of these folks here what i witnessed growing up on the Wa coast, A thriving Blacktail Deer population that is now near extinct, The only Blacktail Deer i know of left on the Wa Coast in any numbers to speak of are in the cities, And private farmlands, The Mountain Deer are a Memory. And herds of Mountain Goats that are ABSOLUTELY Gone, and have been for Many years now. But again, these folks act like it’s the Land of plenty, and it will always be that way. I have seen the Land of plenty DISAPPEAR! But try and explain that to people like this that have never seen it? You might as well be talking to a post, they look at you like you are full of it. Sadly, This place is right on the Heels of the Wa Coast
A couple years back on the property I hunt I came across a deer that had been arrowed and killed but the only thing taken was the rack. It had been sawed out on the spot of the kill. Near our cabin land on a public trail several years ago I came upon a bear carcass at a bait site. The head and complete hide had been taken and the animal hadn't even been gutted. They just took the hide and head and left the rest of a 400 pound animal to rot. It was a gun kill and the bear was within ten yards of the bait pile. Over many years on hunting I have come across several deer carcasses where only the heads have been harvested. This makes me sick.

I guess I can see a game division using an old quarry as a disposal site. I'd assume you have a coyote population that would help nature along. Maybe you have wolves as well. The cats will use this for food too. But to skin the animal and just dump it...that brings back recollections of those that I have found going to waste and the anger I felt.
We do have a LARGE population of Coyotes here, I keep saying I am gonna start call hunting them, but i have yet to do it. I am sure they do a good job of cleaning up places like this Pit, The Crows are what really gets with it here though! I can’t remember ever pulling in that Pit without seeing a BUNCH of Crows come Boiling up out of it.

Coyotes are actually BRUTAL on these Whitetail Deer, WAAAAAY more so than some folks might think. I have found many of their kills, Mainly Winter time when the Deer are bogged down in deep snow (we average 3-4 feet of snow, with 6-7 ft years not being uncommon) One Coyote kill that really stands out in my mind was a big Ole Doe on a fozen lake, and 1 lone Coyote, There was about 1” of fresh snow on the fozen Lake, My dad and i were going ice fishing, we could track the situation easily, we back tracked the Deer for a good 200 yards and the Doe had been walking that whole time with the 1 lone Coyote track right with her, there was ZERO struggle, it looked like she had layed down and died. We actually spooked the Coyote off the deer and seen it trotting across the back of the Lake. My Dad figured that the Coyote had ran her for no telling how long that night, and she finally gave up. Dad figured he had done this before and was well experienced at it. I went back that evening with my rifle in hopes of killing the Coyote But i didn’t catch him, i sat til Dark about 200 yards from the kill in the Brush on the lake edge. Anyone that thinks Coyotes aren’t rough on deer are DEAD WRONG
I decided to remove the Moose picture above, Not a pleasant thing to look at! I guess my Point in it was, I’ve seen a LOT of Crap around here, A HELL of a LOT. I have No doubt there are some good folks here, as with anywhere else, But I’ve sure met a LOT of Idiots here, To the point that I quit trying a LONG time ago to meet people. I am an EXTREME loner kinda guy, and prefer it that way. My wife SWEARS that i could easily Win one of those Alone type TV programs LOL, And i admit she’s right. We don’t even have TV, Other than clips on my Folks TV when i stop in to visit, I haven’t intentionally watched TV since I’ve lived here, about 7 years now, and I don’t miss it a bit :yeah: The most interaction i have With people is On these few forums I frequent. I shoot my Muzzleloaders an ABSOLUTE TON, my first shot leaves the barrel at first light, I usually sit in my Truck and watch my target til i feel i can see it well enough to shoot, There’s Nothing like the Smell of Blackpowder in the Morning! :yeah: Might be what helped the Close the Little Sandpit down? :lol: There are a few people that live really close by, This time of year my First shot is around 5am, I asked the Local Cops if it was a Problem? They told me No, to go right ahead. The Pit was Surrounded Fairly deep inset, I doubt the Noise was that Bad? It’s a Moot Point now, She’s LONG GONE