My Hunting Future

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Muley Hunter

Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2010
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I'm not hunting this year do to some physical/health problems. I was going to retire, and just live out my life fly fishing. My mind was set, but my body had other plans. I guess i'm not ready to retire yet, but I have to make some major changes.

I love muzzleloaders, and I really don't want to hunt with anything else. That presented a problem the last few years. During our ML season here the deer/elk are up at timberline. That's over 11,000ft. This is what's been so hard for me. The thin air has been too hard. I hunt alone, and getting the meat out has been way too tough on this worn out old body. Plus, if I had an accident. Nobody would find me. There's no cell phone coverage up there. I'd be bear food, or freeze to death. Neither option is in my future plans.

So, if i'm going to continue hunting I need to make some changes to where I hunt. Lucky for me just 5 miles out of town we have winter ranges for mule deer and elk. Of course they aren't there during ML season, but they are during late rifle seasons. They're at the same altitude that I live at. (8000ft), so altitude will be a non issue. There is some light climbing, but nothing like what I have to do at high altitude, so much easier hunting overall. The only thing that will make it difficult is the seasons are into winter more, so much colder, and more than likely snow. That's fine. I like both better than the heat of ML season. Plus, it's easier to keep the meat cool compared to ML season. So, I have more time to get it out. I also won't be as far from my Jeep like I am at high altitude. In the past i'm been up to 5 miles away from my Jeep. Down at the winter range it will be more like 1/4-1/2 mile. Much better. I can always call a buddy to come help me too. I'd never ask him to come up at timberline to help me, so I was always on my own. Putting this all together I should be able to hunt for a few more years with this new plan. Hopefully.

I'm also going to get away from the traditional ML for hunting. It's not as practical in winter, and on this new hunting area. I won't have the deep timber to get close by still hunting, but will have more open longer shots. There's some timber, but also lots of meadows that need longer shots. Since I won't have the ML restrictions of ML season during rifle season. I can use any bullets including sabots, and a scope. I could even use pellets if I wanted to. I'm sure I won't, but the option is there. I'll need to save up some money for an inline. Maybe Carlos can find me a used MR to sell me. I don't care about chipping. I'll have Jon dip some camo pattern on it. Then get some inexpensive scope for it. Maybe a Redfield, or something similar. I want to keep the cost of shooting down, so something like PT Golds might be good. I have to keep cost down, but I have over a year to put it all together.

So, I thought i'd tell you guys what i'll be up to. Hope I didn't bore you too much.
Pete that change is on the books for all of us ...just a matter of time.
I was planning a big deal hunting season this year thinking I would feel about the same as last year = BIG mistake. Both of my shoulders went out dragging a hog out about 1 1/2 miles in Feb. Then I had a cataract removed (that went great), then I got a piece of bullet in my eye (that worked out too). However, the shoulders won't get back to normal and I've been battling hip/sciatic problems for a month now. Plus I'm about deaf.

All that garbage means is that I definitely know how you feel, Muley. We all have to make concessions to circumstances. If I had to, I'd try to hunt in a wheelchair in a blind on an oat field. Anything to get out and "get 'er done."

I won't trash you for not using a flintlock with holy black. Whatever works in your situation. 

Have a good season.
Pato the getting out is what it is about...killing something comes a very distant second.
I'd agree normally, but I didn't realize how much I was going to miss elk meat. My freezer is feeling unwanted lately.
Yeah and with all the crap they feed and inject cattle these days it's better to eat game !
Myself , I try my utmost to avoid buying any meat in the shops or butchery.
When I look back 20 years ago at the way I was able to hunt phyisically, those days are lo-----ng gone now at 57. :lol:  If it weren't for surgery on BOTH my feet this summer, I would not be able to even "consider" hunting this year in any form to any extent.  I should be able to get out this season, but when, to what level and extent is still up-in-the-air.  By the way, I usually hunt alone too... and not because I don't like people.

I am extremely fortunate to have experienced all the stages of hunting, and I seem to have happily settled-in on Stage 5.
p.s.  Muley, Whether you realize it or not, sharing your hands-on knowledge of muzzleloading and honest opinions :clown: :clown: :clown:  is like adding a "Stage 6" to the sport of hunting. ;)
Good decision Pete!!  Like Spitfire said "that change is on the books for all of us...just a matter of time" 
As far as needing an inline, just say the word and I'll ship my Accura MR out to you for the season.  NO problem and NO need to worry about buying a rifle until you find the right deal.  I have a Zeiss scope on it too.  I'm going to try and bag a deer with my LHR Redemption this year.

Good huntin'
Small game hunting time Pete! Take that hyper dog of yours out to the flats or in the mountains for some grouse hunting!  Grouse is some awesome eating.
My dog would eat them before I could shoot them Jon. I'm thinking of some coyote hunting during the year out of town a bit. Actually, over by where i'll be hunting the elk.

Marty.....Yes, I must be going into the last stage. I always hunted alone, because I still hunted. That's not something you can do with someone else. I'll be doing more of a glassing stalking hunting now, so I could hunt with others. I think my dad drove stage 4 into me so much that i've been in it all my life. I'm ready for stage 5.

Joe.........I'm blown away by your generosity, but I couldn't do that. I have no tag for this year, and i'm sure I can save up enough to buy something by next year. Even if it's another Wolf. They're pretty cheap to buy. Thanks again.
Thats an idea to earn extra money pete! Talk to the ranchers about a yearly fee for predator " yotes" removal. You could get a new ML and all the gear in no time.
I feel your pain about money I wish I wouldnt have gotten upset a few years ago, I just dumped to much for to little because I wanted to hunt just one way and one way only..Now I am thinking what the hell was I thinking!!!
Yes, i'd love to have some of the stuff I sold. No sense in crying about it now. I did it, and i'll just have to move on from here.

I even had a doe tag for this fall, but turned it in for a refund. I thought I was done hunting. My bad.
Yep, Father Time does take his toll on us.

Advice: If you gotta drag a 175 pound hog uphill do it before you're 74 years old. Did that earlier this year and nearly put me down.
I'm past the point of even trying that. I'd have to cut it up in little pieces, and make lots of trips.
Or take 2 young-uns with to do the carrying.....they can be like your appys  :lol:
I went for a hike today in the area i'm talking about hunting next year. It looks like they haven't maintained the 4wd road to get there. It's going to be a struggle to get there in the late rifle seasons. That's good it will keep all but the dedicated hunters. This area gets little pressure, because only locals know about it. There's a huge meadow next to this area that is the winter rage where they feed. Everybody thinks that the whole deal, and just go there. What they don't realize is just when they show up in the morning they drive the elk up to where I am waiting for them. This is where they bed down, and hide out. Works for me. There's more climbing than I remembered, but at only 8000ft it wasn't too bad. As long as I go slow i'm ok. I can also see lots of places to still hunt, so it won't be all long shots.

Here's some pictures I took last year. I've been planning on hunting this area for 3 years, and never got around to it.



My old Wolf.

Lots of rubs everywhere.

Tons of poop everywhere.


Bedding area. Check out all the poop.


Nice buck right in the middle of the picture.

This is national forest land, and they do some controlled burns in this area. Game love the new growth.