New mountain man( Hugh Glass) movie!

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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2008
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Lets hope its good and not full of ****.
this will be a great friend read the book and said it was intense...hope the movie follows the book ...I may have to grab the book now and read it...
i have that one and it really sucks. I never understood the fools carrying that boat around the entire movie lol. Poorly made but what can you expect from a low budget movie lol
Yeah, the boat was dumb, but the rest was based on Glass. Actually, some say the story of Glass never happened, but it's a good story, and i'm sure it will be a good movie.

Too bad there's no place to go to a movie near me.
I'm always looking for a good movie or series. My all time favorite by far is Deadwood. Hell on Wheels is pretty good. Hope this one is a good one, we're due.
That was the worst movie review ever . Just the sound of that guys voice made me want to stick an ice pick in each ear. Not mine "His" :twisted:
I wonder how they can make a film 2 hours long that's interesting about getting mauled and crawling for weeks. Perhaps, it will contain many other incidents too involving Bridger and the others.
Along the way a lot of interesting things did happen like almost getting caught by indians, buffalo stampede.
patocazador said:
I wonder how they can make a film 2 hours long that's interesting about getting mauled and crawling for weeks. Perhaps, it will contain many other incidents too involving Bridger and the others.
How fast can you crawl?  :pirat:
There is finally a real trailer for this movie. It is on YouTube.

Another period correct movie about the Mountain Man is really needed. This would give the traditional muzzleloader and the accessories, clothing manufactures new life. You would see the stores that carried these supplies get a shot in the arm as well as the traders having a renewed customer base.

If you think about it the last good movie to come out was 'The Last of the Mohicans', the re-enactor, living history scence had really slowed down. Once this movie was 'the movie' everyone was talking about, I saw more guys running around with shaved heads and carrying gunstock war clubs - their numbers would have rebuilt the Mohicans tribe alone.

Good movies with correct story lines and correct equipage help make the experience believable to the viewing audiences. I have been in movies as a background actor, poor equipment or poor story lines make you feel mad/sad that Hollywood screwed up another possible good flick with their poor producing. 'Cenntenial' had better than fair equipage because they hired real buckskinners/living history guys having them wear their own clothing and use their own equipment. They (Hollywood) realized it worked and would have cost them thousands of dollars to outfit a bunch of actors off the street. Jerry Crandall (historical artist was hired to make sure the background guys looked correct). He contacted a couple of us that were AMM (American Mountain Men) to see if we were interested in gathering a group of correctly dressed and equipped folks. Had old friends and new folks we didn't know, but were into  this period (mountain men) do a 'show and tell' for us as we looked over their clothing and what they were carrying. If not correct they had 3 weeks to make it right or they didn't go with us. We worked with Jerry and supplied over 150 new background actors for the rendezvous shots taken in Estes Park at the beginning of that series. One year later Jerry calls and asked for the same group for a movie called 'Dull Knife' and we showed up. Two years later I get a call about another movie being filmed in Jackson Hole WY. "Gather the troops Trapper and Buck" was the first words out of Jerry's mouth. "We're going to make a new movie called 'Wind River' in the Tetons of Wyoming. Later the name was changed to 'The Mountain Men'. Again it came out better than most because of the guys from the buckskinners/historical re-enactor groups. A small group of us have done this a half dozen times since those movies mentioned.

"The Last of the Mohicans" was really over the top because the director learned from other shows mentioned what he had to do to make this one as good or better than the past movies. And he did just that with a very good story line that stayed close to the original works (book). May this new movie be better than his work.

I wasted your time after re-reading what you guys said about this one, crap - sorry folks.
I wanted to join the AMM once, and tried to contact them. I sent emails to someone in Salida. I forgot his name now. I got ignored, and gave up on the idea.
They had and still do have poor at best communications with the outside world. I was lucky as I hunted with several of the early memebrs and knew Walt Hayward the Captain. And it still took a while, about the time I wasn't interested is when they wanted me to join their ranks. Your probably thinking of the Captain that lived in Woodland Park, CO. Don (got to think about his last name, moved back east then past on).

2002 AMM National Rendezvous Cactus Park CO​
(last big meeting in Colorado)​
It was Salida. I picked him, because it was close to me, and I knew a lot of the areas they were trekking.